Ready to Have the Best Summer Ever? Consider This Your Ultimate Bucket List

It goes without saying that after the long, treacherous year we've all had, summer 2021 is going to be unlike any other. With more people being vaccinated and mask mandates being eased (or lifted entirely) in many places, we'll finally be able to reunite with our friends and family under the sun. And what better way to celebrate getting back out there than with an ultimate summer bucket list?

Beaches are open, concerts are back, and certain travel restrictions are gone, which means we've truly never been this excited for summer! While we should all absolutely continue to take safety measures when out and about this summer and respect people's choices about continuing to wear a mask, fun is back in a big way! From picnics in the park to catching firework shows to enjoying lazy days at the beach, consider this bucket list your one way ticket to the best summer ever.

Go to a Local Fair
Getty | Mint Images

Go to a Local Fair

Fried food! Supporting local businesses! Rides! Games!

Have a Sleepover With Your Best Friends
Getty | Klaus Vedfelt

Have a Sleepover With Your Best Friends

It doesn't matter if you're 16 or 30, having a sleepover with your best friends that involves junk food, movies, and funny stories and is truly unmatched. Experience that joy again this summer. Maybe even take it outside for a backyard sleepover under the stars!

Go to a Concert
Getty | Klaus Vedfelt

Go to a Concert

If you feel comfortable going to a concert again this summer, let yourself go and dance the day (or night) away.

Visit a Museum
Getty | Bernard Bisson

Visit a Museum

Miss just casually strolling through a museum? Tap into that sweet, sweet feeling again (and escape the heat).

Check Out Your Local Farmer's Market
Getty | JGI/Tom Grill

Check Out Your Local Farmer's Market

And afterward, whip up a fun new recipe with some of the fresh food you got!

Go to the Beach
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Go to the Beach

Enough said.

Go to a Bar
Getty | Thomas Barwick

Go to a Bar

Who else has missed hearing, "This round's on me?" Share a few drinks in a corner booth with your friends.

Go on a Hike
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Go on a Hike

There's nothing like being out in nature to calm and reset your mind.

Go Stargazing
Getty | Anthony Sabatino / EyeEm

Go Stargazing

Appreciate the little things when you stop and look up.

Go Camping
Getty | Simon Winnall

Go Camping

Is there any better summer activity? Just don't forget to bring the s'mores fixings!

Play Hooky and Meet Your Friends For Lunch
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Play Hooky and Meet Your Friends For Lunch

Go on. You deserve it.

Go Mini Golfing
Getty | Maskot

Go Mini Golfing

Mini golfing is the perfect summer date night idea.

Plant a Garden
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Plant a Garden

Whether you plant a whole garden or just take care of one plant in your apartment, there's nothing more satisfying than watching your little green one grow.

Have a Bonfire
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Have a Bonfire

The. Best.

Devour a Beach Read
Getty | Irina Dobrolyubova

Devour a Beach Read

Spend a lazy day diving into another world.

Make a Slip 'n' Slide
Getty | FatCamera

Make a Slip 'n' Slide

Better yet: invite tons of your friends over and have a color war! It'll feel just like summer camp.

Go on a Road Trip
Getty | Seth K. Hughes

Go on a Road Trip

Local travel will be very popular this summer, so it's time to start exploring our own backyards.

Learn a New Recipe
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Learn a New Recipe

And if you're not in the mood to bake over a hot stove, try this two-ingredient no-bake fudge.

Have a Water Balloon Fight
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Have a Water Balloon Fight

Summer is the perfect time to act like a kid again!

Go on a Trip
Getty | Virojt Changyencham

Go on a Trip

Be sure to check on any travel restrictions for your destination, but it's time to dust off that passport.

Go to a Baseball Game
Getty | Steve Prezant

Go to a Baseball Game

Being back in the ball park will feel so good.

Visit a Flea Market
Getty | Anastasiia Shavshyna

Visit a Flea Market

Find those gems that you've been missing out on lately.

Cheer on Team USA during the Summer Olympics
Getty | The Good Brigade

Cheer on Team USA during the Summer Olympics

Maybe even have an Olympics-themed party!

Go on a Bike Ride
Getty | Rick Gomez

Go on a Bike Ride

Try riding to a new coffee shop or park you've never been to.

Go on a Picnic
Getty | Evgeniia Siiankovskaia

Go on a Picnic

Picnics can be enjoyed with friends or solo! Just make sure you have all of your favorite snacks.

Visit the Zoo
Getty | Sharon O'Rourke

Visit the Zoo

The zoo can make for the perfect day out.

Watch a Firework Show
Getty | Daniil Karelskiy / EyeEm

Watch a Firework Show

Fireworks aren't only for the Fourth of July — enjoy them all summer long.

Go Kayaking
Getty | Fabio Formaggio / EyeEm

Go Kayaking

Kayaking is a great way to explore somewhere new.

Host a Backyard Barbecue
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Host a Backyard Barbecue

Good food + good friends = all you need.

Go Fishing
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Go Fishing

And soak up that peace and quiet.

Try Every Ice Cream Shop in Your City
Getty | Lorenzo Antonucci / EyeEm

Try Every Ice Cream Shop in Your City

Depending on where you live, this could either be an easy task or a huge undertaking, but that's why it's fun!

Hug Your Friends and Family (Finally!)
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Hug Your Friends and Family (Finally!)

If everyone is fully vaccinated and comfortable hugging again, soak it all up. It's been too damn long.