Your Jan. 29 Weekly Horoscope Wants You to Be Intentional With Your Energy

January 29, 2023 weekly horoscopes for every zodiac sign
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Photo Illustration: Becky Jiras

As the sun journeys through Aquarius, the second-to-last sign in the zodiac wheel, use this time to highlight your knowledge and ingenious talents and abilities. Though this Jan. 29 weekly horoscope may want you to be more intentional with your energy, know that this will help you maximize your true potential and also bring you into alignment with your unique expression.

As we move into the month of February — with Mercury, Mars, and Uranus officially direct — we will start becoming acquainted with our new reality. You are an ever-evolving being, so allow yourself to bloom authentically as you step into this brand new chapter of life. On Jan. 29, while glimmering through freedom-loving Aquarius, the sun will meet with Mars in an insightful and productive trine. While Mars might be in its post-retrograde shadow phase (transiting through the degrees it initially retrograded through in Gemini), the red planet is finally starting to pick up speed. This will clarify our plan of action.

That same day, the sun will face off with the Nodes of Destiny, validating what is no longer resonating with your spiritual progress. If a significant chapter of your life has recently closed, the South Node will help you recognize what needs to be released, while the North Node will reconnect you with a higher purpose and value. This is about remembering who you are and honoring your value in the process.

Jan. 29 is a big day astrologically, as Mercury will also meet with changemaker Uranus for a third and final time. The messenger planet (symbolic of communication, thought process, and immediate surroundings) will be as experimental and liberated as ever. This means, if you've been contemplating career moves or details surrounding a professional endeavor, you will now have the necessary facts and information needed to move forward with confidence. The savvy messenger is also a key player this week, given the sun's trine to Mars (in a Mercury-ruled sign) and the moon's ingress into Mercury-ruled Gemini on Jan. 30. The moon in Gemini will also harmonize with the sun on Jan. 30, bringing clarity and balance to our inner and external reality. Conversations, connections, and future collaborations are likely in the works, but it's all starting to flow with ease.

Fast forward to Feb. 3, when the sun goes head to head with rebellious Uranus, which is where you may be more likely to experience friction between your sense of belonging versus the desire to break free from stagnancy and restrictions. Uranus in Taurus also speaks to our financial security and value systems, so it's important to reflect on whether these parts of ourselves are in alignment with the community we choose to surround ourselves with. It's easier said than done, but keeping your balance is key.

The week comes to a close with divine counterparts — Venus and Mars — at odds with one another on Feb. 4. Venus in Pisces is highly empathic and receptive to others, while Mars in Gemini prioritizes logic and reason over emotions. When referring to matters of love, relationships, and finances, this would be a battle between your ideal scenario (Venus in Pisces) versus the hard facts (Mars in Gemini). Then again, with a full moon in Leo on the way, you'll be encouraged to follow your heart and remain true to your authenticity.

If you're wondering what this week has in store for you, read on for your weekly horoscope for Jan. 29 through Feb. 4, according to your zodiac sign and your rising sign. For a look at the year ahead, also read your 2023 yearly horoscope.

Aries (March 21–April 19) Weekly Horoscope For Jan. 29, 2023

Take a look around, Aries, because now is the time to surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share similar hopes and dreams. The week of Jan. 29 will kick off at full speed thanks to your planetary ruler, as it is finally back to business as usual. While energizing and revitalizing your 11th house of community affairs and future visions, the sun will meet with Mars via your communication sector and third house of immediate circles. This means new collaborations and opportunities are likely under this inspiring synergy. This is your sign to finally get together with that coworker and start brainstorming.

Mercury will also trine the changemaker planet, Uranus, via your second house of money-making abilities and sense of security. This will more than likely require you to step outside of your comfort zone in the process. Don't be afraid to experiment, especially when it comes to your professional goals and longterm dreams. Keep in mind, the sun will be facing off with rebel Uranus on Feb. 3, which is where you could begin to feel torn between your desire for freedom and newness versus your loyalty to a particular community or network. However, this is where you're being encouraged to have faith in the divine and surrender your doubts. After all, Venus will also square off with Mars on Feb. 4, challenging you to discern between your intuitive knowing and the logical facts that are presented to you at this time.

Taurus (April 20–May 20) Weekly Horoscope For Jan. 29, 2023

You're committing to your success, and it shows, Taurus. On Jan. 29, while dazzling your public 10th house of authority and career moves, the sun will meet with fiery Mars in a productive trine via your second house of values, money-making abilities, and financial security. If you have been contemplating whether to embark on a new career path with better pay, it may be time to explore. Either way, you are likely to gain clarity on next steps today. This is especially true when considering Mercury's connection to Uranus in your sign, as you are being enlightened with a brand new outlook in the process, perhaps unexpectedly so.

After the moon enters Cancer — your third house of communication and local affairs — the moon will meet with the changemaker planet in your sign on Feb. 2. This could be anything from an unexpected encounter with family to a sudden jolt of intuitive insight. Others of you might even discover the perks of maximizing your online presence so you can comfortably work from home in the process. The next day, however, the sun will go head to head with Uranus, creating tension between your individual desires and freedom versus the persona you uphold in a professional setting. You may continue feeling torn on Feb. 4, as your ruler, Venus, will eventually square off with Mars. The validation you seek from your peers will be felt intuitively, so try to not jump to conclusions.

Gemini (May 21–June 20) Weekly Horoscope For Jan. 29, 2023

You're being presented with a newfound philosophy and belief system, Gemini. The week of Jan. 29 begins on a hopeful note, as the sun will meet with Mars in your sign. Whether it's about your sense of belonging in the world or the way you're relaying a specific message via social media, this insightful synergy is inspiring you with a completely different approach. That same day, your celestial ruler, Mercury, will meet with disruptive Uranus in a liberating trine. This could be about a financial entanglement or perhaps an investment that's no longer bringing results. Either way, you're being encouraged to break away from any sort of obligation, even if it's for the time being.

Things start to become clear as the week progresses, especially on Jan. 31, when the sun harmonizes with the moon in your sign. By all means, lean on your community of friends and peers for support on next steps, even if you're feeling restricted or limited about what the future holds on Feb. 1, when the moon trines serious Saturn. On another note, if you've been unconsciously stubborn or simply unwilling to consider other options, the sun's square to Uranus on Feb. 3 will likely shake things up, but only for the sake of you recognizing what's no longer in alignment with your path moving forward. If this is professional, when Venus squares to Mars in your sign the following day, this will bring emphasis to the clash between your ideals versus the evidence you've gathered firsthand.

Cancer (June 21–July 22) Weekly Horoscope For Jan. 29, 2023

Working on something interesting behind the scenes, Cancer? Whether it's creatively, financially, or romantically, you're going to want to harness the Mars trine happening on Jan. 29. This electric synergy will not only activate your eighth house of exchanges and contributions, but also your 12th house of secrets. If you're not discovering new insight, then you may opt for getting the ball rolling in silence. That same day, while igniting your relationship sector, Mercury will meet with changemaker Uranus via your 11th house of community affairs. This information may catch you off guard, but the good news is you'll know whether or not you should move forward with a professional collaboration. After all, this is the third and final trine between these two planets, which means you're no stranger to this energy or situation.

On Feb. 2, after the moon ingresses into your sign, the moon will follow Mercury's footsteps and meet with Uranus. Intuitive and exhilarating, you will be more receptive to novelty and change during this time, so don't be afraid to experiment and explore new options. Truth be told, the sun's square to the changemaker planet on Feb. 3 could cause friction, specifically when it comes to your contractual agreements and individual freedom. The same goes for when Venus squares with Mars on Feb. 4, but fear not, Venus is transiting through fellow water sign Pisces, reminding you to trust the process and surrender all fears and doubts.

Leo (July 23–Aug. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Jan. 29, 2023

Whether or not you're in the mood to socialize, collaborations are coming out of the woodwork, Leo. The week of Jan. 29 begins with the sun harmonizing with Mars via your socially conscious 11th house of associations, community affairs, and future visions. With your celestial ruler (the sun) energizing your relationship sector, this means there is an outpour of celestial energy at your disposal. That said, it's up to you to decide how you harness this dynamic synergy, whether it be in terms of friendship or from a professional standpoint.

Regardless of how you harbor this energy, it's important to keep your longterm goals top of mind, especially during the moon's trine with Saturn on Feb. 1. As the moon will eventually harmonize with Uranus in your career sector on Feb. 2, it will nudge you with an intuitive download in the process. Trust your instincts, especially toward the end of the week. After all, the sun will face off with Uranus on Feb. 3, which could potentially bring unexpected changes to your professional partnerships and commitments. This could feel like a battle between your sense of security versus a community you've chosen to collaborate with. As for when Venus squares to Mars on Feb. 4, try to find a healthy balance between your more intimate unions and what's strictly professional. This is the epitome of not mixing business with pleasure.

Virgo (Aug. 23–Sept. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Jan. 29, 2023

Get ready to see the value of experimentation, Virgo, especially on Jan. 29 when the sun harmonizes with Mars. In addition to this complementing your day-to-day routines and sense of authority, the sun's square with the Nodes of Destiny will bring clarity to the parts of your world that no longer offer valuable results. That being said, career themes and your reputation in the world will be highlighted on Jan. 30, when the moon ingresses into Gemini, joining Mars in your professional 10th house of notoriety. You will find the words and clarity to take matters into your own hands, be it about your due diligence or a health regimen you're starting to implement.

Don't be discouraged if you feel limited or restricted on Feb. 1; the moon's trine to Saturn could trigger feelings of isolation and somberness, but things are not as grim as they seem. Lean on your family and friends if needed, especially since the moon will be entering sensitive Cancer — your 11th house of community affairs — that same day. In fact, spending time with your loved ones and those who support your highest good could benefit you greatly on Feb. 2 when the moon harmonizes with Uranus. A sudden epiphany and newfound perspective holds the key to your freedom, so don't be afraid to venture out of your comfort zone. BTW, if you're having trouble making sense of future logistics, don't fret. This could be with regards to a partnership, too, considering Venus squares to Mars on Feb. 4. With all of this happening, you're being called to surrender the need to remain in control. Allow what's no longer in alignment to exit your life.

Libra (Sept. 23–Oct. 22) Weekly Horoscope For Jan. 29, 2023

Launching your lifestyle blog, Libra? The week of Jan. 29 kicks off on a sparkly note, as the sun (celestial ruler of your social media presence) will harmonize with Mars via your ninth house of publishing, self-promotion, and the unknown. Exploring your options and connecting with like-minded groups of individuals will benefit you more than you realize, so consider this your cue to take that leap of faith. Setting up shop in the comfort of your own home will never feel so good, although others of you may opt for relocating for the sake of potential projects. Your inner and external worlds will also be in total sync on Feb. 1 when the sun dances with the moon, so be sure to trust your inner knowing.

Speaking of intuition, upon entering your career sector and public 10th house of authority, the moon will meet with Uranus via your eighth house of exchanges and contributions, which will create a dynamic synergy between your joint ventures and the image you're portraying to the rest of the world. Do keep in mind, if you feel challenged in relation to your branding and authenticity on Feb. 3, it's likely thanks to the sun's square to Uranus. However, instead of succumbing to peer pressure, the cosmos are urging you to take the lead and remain true to your authenticity. If a collaboration isn't vibing with your vision, then you've got your answer. Your celestial ruler, Venus, will also face off with Mars on Feb. 4, creating friction between the desire for a certain aesthetic in your day-to-day life versus the evidence gathered firsthand. Follow your heart.

Scorpio (Oct. 23–Nov. 21) Weekly Horoscope For Jan. 29, 2023

You're impressing your peers and potential investors with your brilliant insight, Scorpio. Whether it be personally or professionally, the sun's connection to Mars on Jan. 29 will not only complement the dynamic of your exchanges and contributions, but also inspire the individuals you're working with in the process. Keep in mind, Mercury will meet with revolutionary Uranus that same day — for a third and final time — via your relationship sector, which is where unexpected insight and awareness surrounding a contractual agreement could be brought to the forefront. Honoring your boundaries and communicating with honesty and integrity is everything. There's nothing better than receiving validation from those you genuinely trust and admire, and the moon's trine to Uranus on Feb. 2 could potentially give you just that with a significant other's approval or a newly found outlook on your plans for the future.

On a more challenging note, the sun (celestial ruler of your career sector) will face off with Uranus in your relationship sector on Feb. 3, creating tension between the community you're choosing to surround yourself with versus the unexpected changes that are afoot. Don't be discouraged; having the courage to experiment could bring you more clarity than you realize. As for Venus's square to Mars on Feb. 4, you could feel torn between your heart's desires and the facts surrounding a recent investment. Choose wisely.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21) Weekly Horoscope For Jan. 29, 2023

You're often celebrated for your optimism and brutally honest approach, and this will be no exception in the week ahead, Sagittarius. First and foremost, while energizing your third house of communication, immediate surroundings, and local affairs, the sun will meet with Mars in your relationship sector. If you have something on your mind, you could find the clarity and confidence to communicate and potentially commit to something long-lasting. This is especially true when considering Mercury's trine to changemaker Uranus, as you are finally gaining the financial or logistical insight surrounding your sense of security to move forward.

With that said, the moon's harmonious trine to the sun on Feb. 1 suggests that it's a wonderful time to relay your message or spread the word. Granted, you're not always going to have everyone's approval, and this is something the moon's trine to Saturn (on Feb. 1) could bring to your attention. However, instead of dwelling on the potential restrictions, it's important to take this news or constructive criticism without losing sight of your longterm goals. The same goes for the sun's square to Uranus on Feb. 3; your immediate circles and the dynamic of your day-to-day may not necessarily be in sync at this time, but this is all the more reason to venture out of your comfort zone.

Capricorn (Dec. 22–Jan. 19) Weekly Horoscope For Jan. 29, 2023

Mastering the dynamic of your day-to-day routine will bring you the results you want, Capricorn. The week of Jan. 29 kicks off on a diligent note, as the sun will meet with Mars in a productive trine, igniting your stability-seeking second house of values and sixth house of due diligence. Whether it be in terms of compensation or something as subtle as the aesthetics of your work environment, the changes you're making have been long overdue. Others of you might even be on a health kick, so be sure to keep that momentum going with your goals. Also, Mercury will be harmonizing with Uranus — for a third and final time — after its retrograde journey through your sign, which has everything to do with your self-mastery and commitments. Are you ready to embark on this new chapter? Showing up for yourself is the best part because you are worth it.

With the sun energizing your second house of money, some of you may even decide to invest in something more high-tech, like, say, maybe a virtual-workout membership. Welcome to the new age, where the possibilities are endless. On Feb. 2, after entering Cancer and your relationship sector, the moon will harmonize with Uranus in a spontaneous sextile, activating your fifth house of self-expression. Maybe joining forces with a good friend or significant other will inspire you and help you get your mojo back. Whatever the case may be, try to not get caught up in the fussy details, especially on Feb. 4 when Venus squares off with Mars. You could feel an imbalance between your idea of comfort and the tedious logistics surrounding your new schedule.

Aquarius (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) Weekly Horoscope For Jan. 29, 2023

Celebrate your quirks and bask in your colorful eccentricities, Aquarius. Although your solar season is in full effect, there is still so much magic for you to harness this week. And yes, you'll likely be feeling yourself. Amid energizing and revitalizing you, the sun will meet with red-hot Mars in a productive trine on Jan. 29, which is equally as motivating as it is encouraging. Igniting your festive fifth house of creativity, passion, and self-expression, you will be presented with the clarity, connections, and potential ideas to move forward with your goals. The moon will also be joining Mars in Gemini the following day, which could, in turn, heighten your desires and evoke your muse in the process.

It gets better on Jan. 31, as the moon will dance with the sun in your sign, sparking an influx of information and curious insight. If you're not out and about celebrating, chances are you're dropping a sweet emoji on your BFF's thirst trap on Instagram. Having said that, leaning on your peers and loved ones for support is suggested toward the end of the week, as the sun will go head to head with your modern ruler, Uranus. This could mean experiencing some technical difficulties on the home front. If you're not in the process of getting settled in, then you may feel torn between an image you're hoping to portray versus a sudden urge to go against the grain. Your freedom will always take precedence, so trust your instincts.

Pisces (Feb. 19–March 20) Weekly Horoscope For Jan. 29, 2023

If things feel more challenging than usual this season, remember that this, too, shall pass, Pisces. After all, the week of Jan. 29 will begin with the sun illuminating your 12th house of closure, inhibitions, rest, and unconscious patterns. This happens every year right before your birthday season, as you are being encouraged to release and surrender what is no longer in alignment with your highest truth. That being said, while igniting this area of your chart, the sun will dance with Mars via your fourth house of home, family, and innermost feelings. This past retrograde taught you a lot, specifically when regarding the dynamic between you and your family members. But this healing synergy continues to bring enlightenment.

Also, with Mercury harmonizing with Uranus — for a third a final time — you could also gain clarity on your future visions as well as your plan of action moving forward. Pat yourself on the back, because that is refreshing in itself, but don't hesitate to go inward and retreat on Jan. 30 when the moon enters Gemini. Note that there's nothing wrong with taking a break, especially when you're making the conscious effort to partake in deep introspection. Fortunately, the mood lightens up the following day upon the moon's ingress into Cancer and your fifth house of love, passion, and self-expression. Whether artistically or romantically, you could be greeted with some unexpected news, if not a brand new vision for your creative endeavors. This may or may not go against your plans of keeping things incognito, but there's a first time for everything. Besides, it's not every day the planet of love, beauty, and charm transits your sign. You have the charisma, inspiration, and energy to obtain the abundance you desire. That said, don't get caught up in the logistics on Feb. 4, when Venus squares Mars. Find an outlet to express yourself instead.

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