11 Vines About Christmas That Will Leave You Laughing For Days

For people who absolutely love Christmas, there's nothing like the feeling when Thanksgiving is over and the calendar finally flips to Dec. 1. One Twitter user totally understands this sentiment and shared some of the best Christmas Vines out there.

Twitter user Incredibly Rich started a thread on Dec. 1 of the best Christmas Vines. In total, the entire thread has 30 Vines, yet another reminder of how amazing Vine is. We rounded up our favorite Vines from the list and each one will leave you giggling for days.


When someone puts up the decorations early and it scares you for a second.


When you can't stop singing "All I Want For Christmas Is You."


When you get a gift you're not that happy about.


When you wonder how some celebrities are spending Christmas.


When you scare your siblings about Santa.


When Santa gets a little too turnt.


When a gift gets ruined real quick.


When someone likes to make fun of how much you love the holiday.


When your pets are just as excited about Christmas as you.


When you're just so excited that it's finally the holiday season!