The Mystery of Jake Gyllenhaal's Height Has FINALLY Been Solved . . . Right?

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If you listened to The Mystery Show, one of the Summer's most enthralling new podcasts, listen up. The narrator, Starlee Kine, stopped by Conan on Thursday night, and she revealed that one of the show's biggest mysteries still isn't officially solved. As you may recall, one of the most popular episodes consists of trying to figure out how tall Jake Gyllenhaal is. The conclusion of the episode involves one seriously flirty phone call, and of course, his revelation: he's 5'11 1/2". In this week's interview, though, Starlee told Conan O'Brien that the Internet didn't find the source reliable enough. So, to settle it once and for all, Conan busted out his tape measurer and invited Jake to the stage. Watch the video above to see how it all went down.