Justin Hartley's Advice to His Younger Self Could Double as a Motivational Poster

We just can't get enough of This Is Us. From the characters to the painfully relatable themes to all the sad twists, it's pretty obvious why it has become one of the hottest new shows on TV. Of course, one of the most interesting parts about the series is how it portrays the characters in various stages in life by jumping back and forth in time. POPSUGAR recently had a chance to talk with one of the show's charming stars, Justin Hartley, who plays Kevin Pearson on the show, at the Empire State Building in NYC and we asked him what advice he would give himself at teenage Kevin's age.

While his character hasn't made the best decisions in the past, he explained that Kevin is finally learning to listen to people's advice, be more confident in himself, and take ownership for his mistakes. Not only is this something he wishes he could tell his younger self, but it's a lesson he is currently teaching his 12-year-old daughter, Isabella. "Everybody messes up," he said. "Good people do bad things sometimes and instead of defending it, try to recognize it, see what it is, apologize for it, and move on from there and try not to do it again."