Got the Election Blues? This Is Why You Shouldn't Skip Your Workout

POPSUGAR Photography | Benjamin Stone
POPSUGAR Photography | Benjamin Stone

The 2016 presidential election has been anything but drama-free. Between the stress-inducing debates, FBI investigations, and Twitter banter that has actually made this election feel like a joke, we are in way over our heads. But now that Election Day is right before us, we're here to tell you that this stress is no reason to skip your daily workouts. Yes, you might want to avoid the brutal reality of our country's future displayed on the television screens at the gym, and instead be drowning in a bottle of Pinot Noir, but according to a new study, being fit is the solution to dealing with stress-related health risks.

The study, which was published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, looked at 200 Swedish employees and took note of their fitness level and "their cardiovascular risk factors such as cholesterol, blood pressure, body mass index, and stress level." Researchers from the University of Basel in Switzerland and Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Sweden saw that both unfit and fit employees who were stressed were likely to have high blood pressure and high cholesterol, but those who were physically fit were less likely to have cardiovascular-related ailments.

"Above all, these findings are significant because it is precisely when people are stressed that they tend to engage in physical activity less often," coauthor of the study Markus Gerber said in a statement. Even if you have to do some squats on line at your polling location, do not skip your workout! Check out these workouts that will assuage your Election Day blues: