Why This Former Bachelor in Paradise Star Was Shamed For Breastfeeding Will Make You Rage

In the world of motherhood, it often feels like women just can't win. With a ton of conflicting opinions, every decision a mother makes becomes open to criticism. Jade Roper Tolbert, of The Bachelor and Bachelor in Paradise fame, realized recently that even choosing to cover up while nursing her baby girl, Emerson, can be met with mommy-shaming.

While dining at a restaurant with her little girl, Roper Tolbert shared a simple Instagram story photo on Monday that resulted in her receiving a wave of criticism. Instead of going to the bathroom to nurse, as she admitted to having done previously, she decided to nurse at the table using a cover, and posted a photo about it to her story with the text "#normalizebreastfeeding."

In a follow-up story video on Tuesday, she shared that after posting the photo, she quickly received comments and messages stating that she shouldn't use a cover-up when breastfeeding her baby. "People were telling me that I shouldn't cover up and I was actually getting flak for putting a cover over my baby, which I just don't understand," Roper Tolbert said in the video, as reported by People. "Why that would be something people would give me sh*t about?" She continued, arguing that it is her choice to breastfeed however she chooses.

It seems that no matter what a breastfeeding mom does, there will be some people who want to criticize how she goes about nursing. Some women get told they need to breastfeed in the bathroom, while other women get kicked out of bathrooms for doing so. Some women are told they need to cover up when nursing in public, but now Roper Tolbert is being told that covering up is also wrong.

A nursing mom has no way of pleasing everyone, nor should she have to. Choosing to breastfeed is a very personal decision, and what that looks like is totally up to the mom — people should respect that.

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