This 15-Minute Step Workout Is Easy on the Knees — but Will Seriously Make You Sweat

Getty Images | AleksandarGeorgiev

From dumbbells to booty bands to treadmills, turning your living room into your personal fitness studio can be a journey packed with product research. We hope you don't mind, though, because we have yet another to add to your shopping list: an aerobic stepper.

According to NASM-certified personal trainer Jenna Langhans, steppers pack a whole lot of health and fitness power, including engaging the calves, hamstrings, glutes, quads, and core, aiding in fat loss, improving coordination, and revving up your cardiovascular health. And, if you're looking for a new low-impact workout for your sensitive knees — one that doesn't involve buying a stationary bike — the stepper will shine.

"The motion of stepping on and off the stepper can actually help strengthen the muscles around the knee joint, which can be beneficial for those experiencing knee discomfort," Langhans says. The stepper can also get your heart rate up through non-jumping moves, which Langhans says could be a bonus for someone looking for a high-intensity yet low-impact exercise.

Since knee discomfort is a complex issue, steppers aren't for everyone — in fact, Langhans says, depending on your concern, they might not be the most effective way to exercise, or even be considered safe. So, it's crucial to consult with a physical therapist or a doctor before beginning an aerobics stepper exercise program.

If you do have the green light to utilize a stepper in your routine, give Langhan's 15-minute, 4-move low-impact workout a try. "All of the moves in this workout are low-impact but high-intensity, meaning no jumping on or off the stepper, allowing people with knee issues to perform them without feeling excessive pressure in their joints," Langhans says.

Before performing any of the moves, make sure your body is properly prepped for the work ahead. Langhans suggests a low-impact workout that introduces movement to the body while raising the heart rate slightly — around two minutes should be sufficient here, but remember to listen to your body for guidance, too.

Langhams recommends performing moves like marches, jumping jack step-outs, air squats, and grapevines for 30 seconds each. Then, move into the 15-minute program. Perform three rounds of the four-move circuit, resting for 15 seconds in-between each move, or more if needed. Then, finish up with a one or two-minute cooldown to slow the heart rate down safely and stretch the muscles slowly.

Jenna Langhans

Alternating Step Up to Knee Drive

Langhans says this move targets the core, hamstring, and glute on the standing leg, but also focuses on the hip flexor and quad on the lifted leg when properly driven up.

  • Step onto stepper with the right foot, and drive the left knee up to chest, straightening the stabilizing leg.
  • Step off the stepper with the left foot, followed by the right foot, and repeat on other side.
  • Maintain a tall chest and spine position. The foot of the driving leg should be flexed — keep the knee high without crunching your low back.
  • Arms should move in opposition to your legs as if you are running.
  • Perform this move for 45 seconds.
Jenna Langhans

Corner Step Up to Hamstring Curl

According to Langhans, this exercise helps strengthen the hamstring and encourages flexion in the knee, as the heel tries to reach for the glute.

  • Facing the right diagonal, step onto stepper with the left foot, and drive the right heel towards your glutes into a hamstring curl — foot flexed, arms pulling in as you curl.
  • Step off the stepper with the right foot, followed by the left, and repeat facing the opposite diagonal.
  • Perform this move for 45 seconds.
Jenna Langhans

Shuffle to Squat

Langhans says this move adds a strength element into the mix, and focuses on the quads, glutes, and hamstrings, while encouraging flexion in the knees, a tall T-spine, and an engaged core.

  • Start with the left foot on stepper (length-wise), and the right foot on the floor, body in squat position. The left hand taps the stepper. Remember: the chest should be tall with a neutral spine.
  • Step the right foot onto stepper, and the left foot onto ground in a squat position.
  • Continue alternating squats off the stepper. Perform this move for 45 seconds.
Jenna Langhans

Knee Drives

"The Knee Drives are one of my favorite moves for the glute of the standing leg, which has to stabilize while you drive the opposite knee in. This is also a great move to get your heart rate up, with no impact at all," Langhans says.

  • Start with the left foot on the stepper, facing the right diagonal.
  • Draw the right knee into chest, pulling arms in as you knee drive.
  • Tap the foot back on the floor lightly.
  • Repeat 4 times on one side, and step off the stepper to repeat on other side 4 times, continually for 45 seconds.
  • Chest stays tall, with no rounding of spine. Your neck should be in line with your spine.

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