These Are the Healthy Snacks That Fuel Aly Raisman Before and After Her Workouts

Getty | Joe Robbins

Aly Raisman is one busy gal. When the two-time Olympic gymnast (and six-time Olympic medalist!) isn't training or practicing her routines, she's busy promoting her new book, Fierce, speaking out against sexual assault, educating women about period shaming through her partnership with Playtex Sport, and encouraging body positivity as an Aerie model. In short, she's a badass, multitasking role model we should all look up to.

We caught up with the badass athlete to hear more about what's fueling her through the next three years leading up to the 2020 Summer Olympics and walked away with a handful of healthy diet tips to try. Aly told us how water is a vital component to her daily routine, with hot water and lemon being her go-to method for getting an H2O fix, as she "makes a conscious effort to always stay hydrated."

But that isn't the only liquid mainstay in her diet — she also loves tart cherry juice! The slightly sour superfruit has a laundry list of natural benefits, including the fact that it reduces inflammation, is full of vitamin C, and can help you fall asleep because it's rich in melatonin. Aly's favorite brand of tart cherry juice is Cheribundi, which she relies on to recover after a workout and wind down before bed.

Speaking of workouts, Aly has her pre- and post-workout snacking routine down. Before a sweat session, the gymnast told us she munches on a bagel with egg and cheese and sips on green tea with skim milk — yum! We can definitely get behind that snack idea. As for post-exercising, her go-to meal is chicken with brown rice, veggies, and tart cherry juice mixed with ice and lemon.

Aly admitted that eating healthy all the time is "definitely hard," especially when she's traveling, but she does her best to get a decent balance of fruits and veggies every day. "I believe balance is key; everything in moderation. I love dessert, so sometimes I splurge when I want to," she told POPSUGAR. "I also do my best to not let myself get too hungry; I am always snacking to keep my energy level up." Ah, Olympians: they're just like us. They, too, indulge in some afternoon snacks to get through the day!

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