5 Weight-Loss Tips From BBG Success Stories

POPSUGAR Photography | Sheila Gim

The Bikini Body Guide by Kayla Itsines has yielded some of the most incredible total-body weight loss transformations we've ever seen. We've had the chance to talk with many of the women who've inspired us with said transformations, and pick up on some of the best weight-loss tips they've taken away from BBG — these are their top five.

Have a Support System

"I definitely think the BBG community had to do a lot with my success in my weight-loss journey," said Julie Ana Kim, who has gone from a size 26 to a size 14 with the BBG program. "The community has always been so supportive and encouraging when I feel scared to try something new. I only tried SoulCycle because another member of the BBG community encouraged me to try it. Every time I wanted to give up or felt bad about eating unhealthy, the community would have my back and encourage me to keep going."

A woman named Brooke, who lost over 100 pounds with the help of BBG, agreed that the community was what helped carry her through this journey. "It's empowering to be vulnerable about our flaws, share our goals, and cheer each other on."

Kayla herself credits the community as an excellent way to stay on top of your weight-loss goals, and told POPSUGAR that if anyone is feeling stalled, they should join the community for motivation, support, and advice.

Remember Small Changes Add Up . . . Quickly

Celebrate little victories. Even baby steps can be major feats in a weight-loss journey! And keep in mind that positive additions to your lifestyle will help push away any habits you've deemed negative or unhealthy.

"It's much easier to create a new positive habit than to break a negative habit," said Brooke. "One positive choice can have a snowball or ripple effect, leading to healthier, better choices overall."

Julie Ana mentioned how over time, the effects of the workouts added up, and she would blow people away in group fitness classes with her ability to do burpees and sit-ups. Keep it up with the small changes — over time, they will yield unbelievable results. You'll surprise yourself!

Hold Yourself Accountable

While the community will be there for you, it's still important to hold yourself accountable during the BBG program; the way that most women in the BBG community do this is with BBG Instagram accounts and constant posts and logging (think of it like a digital diary). We love seeing these updates on accounts — check out Marisa, Amina, and Sam to get inspired on ways to keep yourself accountable throughout your own weight-loss journey.

Find a Workout You Can Do Anywhere, Anytime

One of everyone's favorite parts of BBG workouts is that they're only 28 minutes, and many of them are equipment-free. Blogger Amber Fillerup Clark uses these workouts while traveling, and blogger Kelsey Wells says that despite being a busy mom, she saw her amazing results from no other workout or workout program than BBG.

Women who love BBG love that it eliminates excuses. If the gym is too hard to get to, BBG can be done at home. Not enough time? BBG is only 28 minutes. Traveling? You can use your BBG app (Sweat) or PDF from your phone.

Accept Your Slip-Ups and Recover Quickly

BBG girl Whitnee mentioned to POPSUGAR that she appreciated how Kayla is "human" and vocal about her struggles with PMS, fatigue, and failure just like anyone else. What can hinder a successful weight-loss journey is the idea that you need to be achieving perfection, or setting the bar too high. Everyone has off days, misses workouts, and eats pizza now and then — the key is to not be hard on yourself. This is another reason why Kayla shies away from damaging language like "cheat day."

The speed at which you bounce back is the important part. Give yourself the grace and kindness you'd give to a friend you were supporting, but immediately get back on track. Accept it, don't berate yourself, and move on with a clean slate. The more you dwell, the more you'll get — and stay — off track.

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