Here's Why You Should Care About a Strong Core

POPSUGAR Studios | Kat Borchat

For many years, I only amped up my core workouts when bikini season was on my brain, and little did I know I was doing my body a major disservice. Sure, feeling confident in your swimsuit is a major plus when you're out on the beach, but there are much more important reasons to work your midsection. Here's why you should care about strengthening yours.

Combat chronic pack pain: If you deal with constant lower back pain, it's often related to a weak core. I know this was a big one for me when I started doing SoulCycle regularly. Once I learned to appropriately engage my middle and my core tightened up, my lower back pain went away for good.

Prevent everyday injury: Strength and stamina certainly increase in time, but if you're not utilizing your core muscles enough during cardio or strength training, you might be on your way to a nasty injury. Whether you're trying a kettlebell class or moving out of your apartment, a toned and powerful core keeps your whole body safe.

Improve your posture: A weak midsection often leads to a slouched spine and poor posture. With a strong and stable core, you're able to sit up, stand up, and move around more comfortably. And while the number on the scale certainly isn't everything, standing up straight helps you look 10 to 15 pounds thinner.

Not sure if your core is weak or tough? You can test yours in a single move — Boat — one of the most common poses you'll see in yoga class. If you're ready to work your core for the better, start incorporating this all-abs workout into your strength-training routine to starting feeling results!

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