Pretty Little Liars Star Troian Bellisario Accuses Taylor Swift of Being, Well, a Pretty Little Liar

In the wake of all the recent drama surrounding Taylor Swift and that phone call with Kanye West, a new group of celebrities has emerged that want to make it clear they are not part of her infamous squad. Pretty Little Liars star Troian Bellisario is the latest person to speak up about Taylor in a new interview with Cosmopolitan, and she definitely doesn't hold back. When asked whose side she's on in the singer's feud with Kanye and his wife, Kim Kardashian, Troian admits she's not a fan of either party. "I'm so appalled by what I consider to be [Taylor's] false feminism," she explained. "It seems like she's this person who's like, 'Sisterhood!' and then she does nothing but tear down the women that were once her friends. So is it possible to just be, like . . . this is a two-party system that I don't want to be a part of? Can I just say that? Can I say that I would choose the Green Party in this?" Troian also goes after the Kardashian family as a whole, saying, "I have such an aversion to the Kardashians because I literally don't understand people's obsession with them and I don't want to accept them as our closest thing to a royal family."

On Friday, Troian took to Twitter to clarify her comments, responding to a Canadian news outlet about her misconstrued quotes, writing, "For goodness sake what I said about her was that I truly had no opinion on whatever matter was most recently going on with her." Another tweet read, "Please leave me out of noise like this. I basically said I would like to have no opinion on the topic. I've never even met her." No word from Taylor yet, but we'll keep our eyes peeled for more "character assassination" claims.