Wondering If Piz Is in Season 4 of Veronica Mars? Here's Your Answer

Fair warning: some spoilers for the Veronica Mars revival ahead!

The Veronica Mars revival brings back most of your favorite characters, but there's one fan fave you won't see in the new Hulu series: Stosh "Piz" Piznarski, played by Chris Lowell. Although Piz was a key player in the original series and in the 2014 film follow-up, if you were hoping to see him in the revival, you'll be disappointed. Piz doesn't have any presence in Hulu's eight-episode season four.

From a story perspective, it makes sense that Piz isn't really in the new season. The last time we saw him was in the 2014 movie, where he's back together with college sweetheart Veronica and they're both living in New York City. Over the course of the movie, though, their relationship is seriously strained when Veronica gets called back to help clear Logan's name when he's suspected of a murder. By the end of the movie, though, Veronica has reconnected both with her hometown of Neptune and her longtime love Logan, and while Piz stays behind in New York, she moves back to Neptune.

In season four, Piz is pretty much a non-entity, playing no role in the story at all; presumably, he's still in New York, living his best radio-show life. Part of the reason, undoubtedly, is real-life scheduling issues on Lowell's part. Since Veronica Mars came to an end, he's moved on to a new gig as wrestling announcer Bash Howard on Netflix's GLOW. It's entirely possible that Lowell's shooting schedule could have conflicted, or that Netflix wouldn't want to lend out one of its actors to a rival streaming platform, or both. It's also quite possible that Piz simply didn't fit into this season's Neptune-centric story.

Is there hope for Piz to return if a season five happens? It's definitely a possibility — and probably became an even bigger possibility after the final twists of the season finale. There's no official word yet on another season, and a potential casting announcement would be even further off, so until then, Piz's future looks like it's still up in the air.