It's Totally OK to Have More Than 1 Shower For the Same Baby

Preparing to have your first baby is one of the most thrilling times of your life. Whether you're pregnant, adopting, or using surrogacy, your life is about to be flipped upside down in the best way possible. And in order to get ready for all that change, you have to do lots of prep work. From taking birthing classes to decorating the nursery, you have a lot on your plate. But one thing you shouldn't have to worry about is your baby shower. Yep, all you need to do is show up and enjoy every minute of what should be an incredibly special day. And for many parents-to-be, you'll have more than one shower for the same child. Some may think it's a bit selfish, but in many cases — like mine — it's necessary.

I come from a huge Greek family, and I knew I'd need two showers: one from my side of the family and one from my husband's. My real and faux aunts both had to invite their entire church congregation, and if we had to squeeze in women from my husband's side of the family, too, that would have been impossible. And honestly, the number of guests attending would have made it feel more like a wedding, which I in no way wanted. Thankfully, my gracious mother-in-law asked if she could throw me a separate, modest shower, too.

While I felt a little odd having two showers thrown for the same baby, it also felt like an honor. I was humbled when my Greek aunts and mother-in-law wanted to watch me waddle into a party to open gracious gifts for our baby. My husband and I left both parties with full hands and full hearts, and I knew how lucky I was (and still am) to have so many people in my life who loved me and wanted to celebrate my growing family.

So if more than one person offers to throw you a baby shower, don't feel bad or guilty for saying yes. Enjoy it! People want to shower you and your baby to help prepare you for the wildest ride of your life, and you are not selfish for that. You're about to become a parent, so as far as I'm concerned, you can do whatever the heck you want.