Dwayne Johnson Posts a Video With His “Mini-Me” Jasmine, and OMG They’re So Damn Cute

It should be news to approximately no one that Dwayne Johnson is a million times more swoon-worthy than usual when he's got one of his kids around him. The dad of three girls recently shared a video with 3-year-old Jasmine, who he calls his "mini-me," and wooo-wee the cuteness levels are off the damn charts with this one.

"When this lil' estrogenic mini-me waits for me at the door and says, 'Daddy, have a great work today,' I scoop her up and start to [fish] for [love]," he captioned the sweet video of him and Jazzy, before sharing a bit of elusive career news. "Truth is, she's exactly what I needed to see before hoppin' in my pickup to go and shoot the biggest and most meaningful magazine cover of my career. Gotta keep it under wraps for now, but I'm so grateful and humbled by this career milestone — and look forward to sharing it with you when it comes out. I'm 97 percent sure I bribed Jazzy with broccoli to say nice things about me when the camera is rolling. Don't judge. It's how I roll."

We have a feeling that no broccoli was actually necessary to bribe this sweet girl into talking about how much she loves her awesome daddy on camera, but of course broccoli would be a bargaining tool in The Rock's home.