Have a Merry Fit-mas With These 12 Days of Fit-mas Fitness Challenges

These creative 12 days of Fit-mas fitness challenges from Constantly Varied Gear are one way to celebrate the season. Each day, they share a little video to inspire you to get moving. We're not affiliated with their giveaway, but we thought this was a cute idea. Of course, you can expect to do planks, burpees, and squats, but there are a few partner challenges, too. We can't wait to grab a sneaker and try the challenge on Day 5. And if you have a bar to hang from and a friend, try the tank-top challenge on Day 8.

12 Days of Fit-mas Fitness Challenge: Day 1

Are you ready for a two-minute plank challenge? You can do any plank variation you want and do all two minutes at once, or break it up however you want. Plank anytime, anywhere!

12 Days of Fit-mas Fitness Challenge: Day 2

Play the song "Firework," by Katy Perry and do these four exercises:

12 Days of Fit-mas Fitness Challenge: Day 3

Grab a friend and try this one partner pistol squat.

12 Days of Fit-mas Fitness Challenge: Day 4

Play "Drop It Like It's Hot" by Snoop Dogg, and perform a bodyweight squat every time you hear the word "hot." How many squats is that?!

12 Days of Fit-mas Fitness Challenge: Day 5

Grab an extra sneaker, and try this hip-mobility challenge on both legs. Can you do it without letting the shoe fall?

12 Days of Fit-mas Fitness Challenge: Day 6

Try this fast-paced core challenge doing these single-leg crunch variations — how long can you do it for?

12 Days of Fit-mas Fitness Challenge: Day 7

Day 7's Fit-mas challenge is focused on recovery, so try this five-minute yoga flow that includes poses like Down Dog, Fierce pose, and Child's pose.

12 Days of Fit-mas Fitness Challenge: Day 8

This is a real challenge because you need to be able to hang from a bar one-handed! Grab a tank top and a friend, and give this a try! If this is too hard, build your upper-body and grip strength by practicing this hanging knee raise.

12 Days of Fit-mas Fitness Challenge: Day 9

Put on the song "I Want Candy" by Bow Wow Wow, and do a burpee every time you hear the word "candy." How many burpees do you end up doing? If burpees are too hard, try this burpee modification.