It's Not Too Late! 3 Ways to Attack Those New Year's Resolutions

So it's already April and you're slacking a little on keeping up with the New Year's resolutions you made in January. Heck, maybe you even ditched them by Jan. 2. It's OK! There are still nine more months left of the year to get back on track and follow through with those healthy goals. Just see this as a fresh new start, and do these three things to start feeling healthier and stronger.

POPSUGAR Photography | Kathryna Hancock
  • 3's the magic number: If you haven't exercised much in 2017, today is the day to commit to a three-times-a-week workout schedule. Choose three days and a specific time on each day, and write it down on your calendar, just like you would any other important appointment. Working out at the same time each day will get you in the habit of actually doing it and makes it easier to add a day or two down the road. Maybe do Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 6:30 a.m. before work. Do a video at home, meet some friends at a class, or use that gym membership you signed up for in January. Start off with 20 minutes to ease yourself into it, and be sure to include strength training at least twice a week.
  • 1 bowl of this a day: Your mom was right when she told you to eat your veggies. If you're looking to lose weight or just feel better and more energized, commit to eating one huge salad as a meal once a day. Whether it's for lunch or dinner, include protein and healthy fats with your greens to make your bowl more filling and well-balanced. Make this a cinch by crafting a week's worth of salads in mason jars at the beginning of the week, so all you need to do is grab a fork.
  • Get on the self-care train: While losing weight and eating healthier are probably the two most popular resolutions, making a commitment to care for your well-being should also be top on your list. So once a day, commit to doing something that makes you happy, makes you smile, makes you feel confident, proud, strong, creative, smart, grateful, or alive. Sing, dance, play an instrument, write in a journal, laugh with a friend, spend time with an animal, get outside, do some art, read, bake, or get 15 minutes of alone time. It'll recharge your energy levels, reduce stress, and greatly benefit your mental health.