Want to Lose Fat and Get Abs? This Should Be Your Top Focus (Hint: It's NOT Cardio)

"People really do have it all backwards when it comes to chasing those abs and losing fat." That's what personal trainer Dimitri Peskin from Evolve Training System said in a recent Instagram post.

In these comparison photos, the diagram on the left shows how most people are prioritizing cardio, "not lifting weights enough," and focusing on eating healthy without monitoring how much they're eating. Dimitri says, "people have it all backwards" and should focus on prioritizing their nutrition. In order to lose fat, they need to create a sustainable calorie deficit. As for workouts, their main focus should be on lifting weights, and cardio should be secondary.

Dimitri says, "Abs are cool right? I think so. You know whats not cool? People eating close to nothing and doing cardio like their life depended on it." He adds, "Yes cardio is important and cutting down on food is important but not as aggressively as most people think." He recommends taking a look at your diet, hitting the weights, and doing a little bit of cardio. Then get ready to see those abs!

Here are a few strength training workouts using weights you can try: