This Is How a Dietitian Makes Yogurt Even Healthier

POPSUGAR Photography | Sheila Gim
POPSUGAR Photography | Sheila Gim

We love yogurt. You love yogurt. It's a gut-friendly, debloating, high protein food that can be used in sweet and savory dishes (hello, versatility), but choosing the right yogurt — and eating it the right way! — is important for your health and nutrition.

Lisa Eberly, RD, MPH has a few things to say about it — and by that we mean, she is very passionate about her yogurt and shared her tips on the right and wrong way to eat it to optimize and maximize your nutrition.

  1. Opt for Icelandic. Her favorite kind? Icelandic yogurt (skyr), because it's higher in protein and lower in sugar than Greek yogurt. "Siggi's, all day, every day, nothing else. I opt for the lowest sugar varieties. Rule for yogurt: more grams of protein than sugar!"
  2. Add your own fruit. One way to ensure your yogurt has less sugar? "I get nonfat plain Greek yogurt and mash in blackberries for flavor," she said. This ensures you get that fruity flavor with less sugar than flavored yogurt varieties that often have sneaky added grams.
  3. Spice it up. "Plain yogurt is an easy vessel to add all that good stuff," she told POPSUGAR. Try anti-inflammatory turmeric or cinnamon (which also tricks your brain into thinking your yogurt is sweet, sans sugar) to add flavor and powerful nutrition.
  4. Mix in protein. Another nutritional add-on she loves: seeds. "ALWAYS add chia seeds to yogurt," she said. It increases protein, omega-3s, fiber, and magnesium (great for muscular recovery and cramps!). She also suggested flax or hemp seeds for a good crunch.
  5. Watch the honey. While it might be tempting to layer on the honey (It's natural! It's sweet!), Lisa warned about going overboard. "Be careful adding honey to plain yogurt — you may think you're doing the healthier thing, but if you're making it rain honey on there, you may be adding more sugar and calories than you think. Stick to 1/2 to one teaspoon of honey on plain yogurt."