10 Ways to Make Drinking Water a Part of Your Daily Routine

Drinking water has health benefits beyond hydration, including improved energy and healthier skin. Conversely, there are also many negative effects of not drinking enough H2O. Health experts recommend drinking half your weight in ounces of water every day, but with busy work and life schedules, it's easy to forget to reach for a glass. Read on for some helpful tips to make drinking water a regular part of your daily schedule.

  1. Set an alarm: Use your phone to help remind you to drink water throughout the day. It's also a great reason to take a break from the screen, get up from your desk, and stretch or take a short walk.
  2. Make it sparkly: If you're craving soda, reach for flavored sparkling water instead. Brands like LaCroix have plenty of interesting flavors that will be sure to quench your thirst.
  3. Use an app: Track your water intake on your phone. Most fitness apps have a feature to input every glass of water you drink throughout the day.
  4. Upgrade your water bottle: Reaching for your water may be more appealing if it's in a cute bottle and using one with a straw will actually make you drink more. Treat yourself with one (or more) of these stylish options.
  5. Stock up: Don't get caught empty handed. Keep bottles of water in the car, your gym bag, and on your desk so you're always ready to hydrate.
  6. Try fruity flavors: Spruce up your H2O with your favorite fresh fruit in these flavorful infused waters. If you're short on produce or time, try out one of Trader Joe's new Organic Flavored Waters.
  7. Heat it up: Switch things up with a relaxing cup of hot tea. Try one of these Fall flavors for extracomforting hydration.
  8. Grab a pal: Enlist a friend to do a 30-day water challenge with you — eight glasses of water a day for 30 days. Or check out this gallon-a-day version. Not only will you feel the difference physically, but it'll kick-start a habit of drinking plenty of water every day.
  9. Rise, shine, hydrate: Keep a full glass of water on your nightstand so you can wake up, hydrate, and catch up on your daily feeds.
  10. Post-it: Post sticky notes around the house and office as reminders to go and get a glass of water. Include inspirational ones as well to motivate you throughout the day. Because we all need a little encouragement now and then!