You May Laugh at the Photo on the Left, but Seriously, Don't Make This Dieting Mistake

Losing weight is all about creating a calorie deficit, but these comparison photos from Amanda Meixner show that decreasing your calorie intake too much isn't the answer. You may giggle to yourself seeing the meal on the left including "a pinch of gravel" while "sipping on air," but Amanda makes a very good point: "skipping meals and starving yourself will only lead to a binge later."

It's clear that "air" and a "handful of veggies" will not sustain your energy whatsoever, but a meal like the one on the right, made up of mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, kimchi, avocado, and sautéed tempeh, offers the macros you need to keep you full and energized.

If losing weight and getting leaner is your goal, whatever program or way of eating you choose, fueling yourself is absolutely essential. Make sure to load up on veggies, protein, healthy fats, and the right amount of carbs at every meal. You'll be left "feeling satisfied and way less like likely to fall into temptation later."