This BBG Beginner Full-Body Workout Is Perfect For People New to or Getting Back to Fitness

SWEAT | Stuart Miller
SWEAT | Stuart Miller

Kayla Itsines has been an athlete all of her life and a personal trainer for 10 years, but when she gave birth to her daughter, Arna, seven months ago, she was back at square one or, she said, even further back it seemed. The Australian SWEAT app founder told POPSUGAR around the launch of her two new programs — BBG Beginner and Post-Pregnancy — that, after going through her postural and foundational work once she was cleared by her doctor seven weeks postdelivery, she eased back into fitness. At first, she couldn't do any jumping at all or workouts that were high-intensity.

Kayla's BBG Beginner program is eight weeks of low-impact sweat sessions. Each week, you'll have one lower-body and one full-body resistance session (note: the upper-body day that is optional in the first six weeks will become recommended in the last two). There are also low-intensity cardio sessions (LISS) like biking or walking built in, and the first half of BBG Beginner has zero jumping whatsoever. By the time you've completed BBG Beginner, you'll be ready for Kayla's BBG program, she said.

"There needs to be a journey for women, and I'm now able to provide that," Kayla told POPSUGAR. "I can provide a journey from after you've had your baby, then into beginner, then into BBG, then maybe to the gym for BBG Stronger." Kayla provided us with an example of what a full-body workout from the first four weeks of BBG Beginner looks like.

Kayla Itsines's BBG Beginner At-Home Full-Body Workout

Equipment: You'll only need a chair and a workout mat for this. (Don't forget a kickbutt playlist and some water, too!)

Directions: This workout consists of two seven-minute circuits where you'll do as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) and one 60-second rest in between. Complete circuit one then circuit two for 14 minutes of work. For 28 full minutes of work, repeat from the beginning for a total of two rounds. Your workout would look like this: circuit one (seven minutes), rest (one minute), circuit two (seven minutes), repeat.

Circuit 1 AMRAP For 7 Minutes

  • Sit squat: 12 reps
  • Incline push-up: 10 reps
  • Hover: 20 seconds
  • Rest: 30 seconds

Rest For 1 Minute

Circuit 2 AMRAP For 7 Minutes

  • Curtsy lunge: 16 reps (eight per side)
  • Modified burpee: 10 reps
  • Modified side plank: 40 seconds (20 per side)
  • Rest: 30 seconds

Ahead, check out how to do each move from the two circuits. You can find out more about Kayla's fitness progression postbaby, as well as details on BBG Beginner and Post-Pregnancy, here.

Circuit 1: Sit Squat

Circuit 1: Sit Squat

  • Place a chair behind you, and stand with your feet hip-distance apart.
  • Brace your core as you bend at your knees and sit backward onto the chair. Push through your heels to stand back to the starting position.
  • This counts as one rep. Do 12 reps.
Circuit 1: Incline Push-Ups

Circuit 1: Incline Push-Ups

  • Start in a plank position, placing your palms on the chair or bench in front of you and your feet out straight behind you (you should be on the balls of your feet). Keep weight on your toes, shoulders above your wrists, and your core engaged.
  • Keep your elbows close to your sides as you lower your torso toward the chair until your arms form two 90-degree angles.
  • Push through your hands and return to the starting plank position. This counts as one rep. Do 10 reps.
Circuit 1: Hover

Circuit 1: Hover

  • Start on all fours with your toes tucked under, your knees below your hips, and your hands below your shoulders.
  • Engage your core and bring both knees off the ground.
  • Hold this position for 20 seconds.
  • Rest for 30 seconds before going through the circuit again until seven minutes are up.
  • Don't forget to rest for a full minute before going into circuit two.
Circuit 2: Curtsy Lunge

Circuit 2: Curtsy Lunge

  • Start from standing and step your left leg behind you and to the right so your thighs cross, bending both knees to 90 degrees as if you were curtsying. Make sure your front knee is aligned with your front ankle.
  • Return to standing, and switch sides to complete one rep.
  • Do eight reps (a curtsy lunge to the left and right equals one rep) or count 16 total reps (a curtsy lunge to one side equals one rep).
Circuit 2: Modified Burpee

Circuit 2: Modified Burpee

  • Place a bench or chair in front of you. Place both hands on it, then walk your left foot behind you and your right foot behind you to get into an elevated plank position.
  • One at a time, walk your left foot back up toward the chair, then your right. On your toes, reach your hands up toward the ceiling.
  • This completes one rep. Do 10 reps.
Circuit 2: Modified Side Plank

Circuit 2: Modified Side Plank

  • Lie on your right side with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle and your elbow underneath your shoulder. Extend your left leg (top leg) out straight.
  • Push your hips up, lifting yourself off the ground with your bottom leg still bent and your left arm extended toward the ceiling.
  • Engage your core and push into your supporting arm. Be sure to keep your knees, hips, and upper body aligned.
  • Hold for 20 seconds and switch to the other side.
  • Rest for 30 seconds before going through the circuit again until seven minutes are up.