These 30 Instagram Accounts Are All the New Year's Motivation You Need

POPSUGAR Photography | Sheila Gim
POPSUGAR Photography | Sheila Gim

Need a boost of motivation for your New Year's resolution? Turn to your Instagram, friends. We know you're scrolling through that feed right when you wake up in the morning, so pack your AM lineup with fitness superstars who'll inspire you to get out of bed and into a workout or healthy breakfast.

And when we say superstars, we don't mean celebrities — these trainers, bloggers, and everyday women are just like you. They're working out to lose weight, get strong, feel good, or have a healthy pregnancy. It'll feel like you're checking in with friends every day when you see their awesomely moving posts (and you can totally feel free to steal their workout and recipe ideas!).

Now feel free to jam-pack your "Following" list with these badass babes (and we're sorry there's not a "follow all" option).


Personal trainer Paola brings energy, smiles, and positivity to your Instagram with daily quotes, workout updates, and healthy eats.


You love The Fitness Marshall's videos (and his hilarious personality), and now you can get a dose of his sunshine and fitness motivation in your daily feed.


Those abs! Those outifts! That attitude! Master Barry's Bootcamp instructor Rachel brings bold, fearless fitness inspiration to you in pictures and videos daily.


Funny quotes, ab selfies, and workout videos are just what you need to add to your feed. Lauren Gleisberg is four months pregnant and rocking her daily workouts!


Following Nike model and trainer Lauren Williams will bring an elevated aesthetic and some serious athleisure style to your phone's screen. The beautiful shots from all different workouts might just get you to try barre . . . or weightlifting . . . or running . . .


Barre instructor and TIU girl Marisa from Miami shares different kinds of workouts, constant and consistent check-ins, a serious sneaker game, and major words of motivation that are exactly what you need to be on top of your New Year's resolutions.


With millions of YouTube subscribers, you've likely heard of Yoga With Adriene. She shares her beautiful practice on Instagram, too! Seeing her in your feed will remind you to take a few moments each day for a little stretching and yoga.


LA-based trainer Massy is very pregnant and still very ripped. If you're expecting this year, you're going to love her unbelievably inspiring exercise videos, meals, and quotes.


Brooke has gone from a size 22 to a size 12 — and she's not stopping there! Her honesty, ambition, and optimism will help you get real with yourself and keep your chin up through the tougher times of your own fitness journey.


BBG girl Kelsey once proved to us that a number on the scale is totally worthless; she continues to inspire us daily with her training (she's certified now!), commitment, and beautiful journey.


When we said that none of these women were celebrities, we potentially lied . . . because Michelle Lewin actually has 9.5 million followers. So you may follow her already for her amazing workouts (and impressive abs), but just in case you don't, find her here.

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Leg muscles for days! Brittany Dawn is basically Fitness Barbie and keeps a very realistic, down-to-earth perspective in all her posts.


Ultramarathoner, run coach, Peloton instructor, and author — if anyone's going to coach you through your day via Instagram, it's probably Robin Arzon.


We love a girl who loves pizza as much as she loves a protein shake and power yoga class. If you relate to this, you'll love Stef's awesome posts.


Yoga instructor Dana shares beautiful, breathtaking photos of yoga and travel with loads of joyful, loving messages and a whole lotta body love.


Lifestyle coach Neghar Fonooni will blow you away with her crazy workouts, balance, and beautiful style (and her supercute dog).


As a Movemeant Foundation founder, dancer, all-around boss lady, and SoulCycle senior instructor, Jenny will inspire you to love your body, move every day, and celebrate life.


Tone It Up babe Kelly Wirht has a gorgeous aesthetic and a beautiful, colorful filter on the health world, which captures her healthy eats (including treats!), daily workouts, and active beach lifestyle.


Get the motivation you need to go for a run, try a dance class, or hold a plank for a little longer. You'll see Nike Master Trainer and yoga instructor Traci Copeland doing all that — and having fun!


Fitness and healthy eating is a lifestyle. A beautiful lifestyle, if you're fitness blogger Remi Ishizuka. If you're motivated by the prettier things in life, you'll definitely want to give her a follow.


If you're looking for a coach in your pocket, follow Holly Rilinger. She's a Nike Master Trainer, Flywheel instructor, star of Work Out on Bravo, and an all-around badass.


Mom, athlete, and trainer Elisabeth Akinwale lifts, CrossFits, motivates, and shares every step of her journey with you on Instagram.


Whether she's SoulCycling, stand-up paddling, running, or doing yoga, Kallie will inspire you to "Be a Badass" every day.


Daily workout videos, awesome moves you can do on the go, and the right quotes to motivate you through a tougher day: all the things you'll get when you follow trainer Alyssa Chang.


Pam is an exercise physiologist, certified trainer, and marathoner — so not only are her tips from her everyday life, but they're from a place of education. It's like following a friend, but a really, really, really smart and educated friend. Who had great workout tips. And good food.


Self-love, realness, and a whole lot of style — Joanne's feed, in a nutshell. Follow this blogger and coach in training on her journey, and she'll help you get through your own.


You've probably heard of her, but have you followed her on Instagram yet? Body-positive poster child and yoga instructor Jessamyn Stanley will show you who's boss with her headstands and splits.


An everyday girl who worked her butt off to achieve some serious goals, Sarah found a fitness program she loved and made it her lifestyle. She checks in with fitness tips, happenings, and her own personal journal daily.


Resolving to eat cleaner? Laura has you covered. Her healthy, colorful meals look DELICIOUS. Can you say food goals?


Blogger and expert Instagrammer Mickey is joyful, positive and real and shares some seriously stunning photos of her food (like, the kind you're definitely not annoyed by). She also makes some really awesome graphics of motivational quotes that you'll be wanting to regram.