10 Dietitian-Approved Tips to Prevent Uncomfortable Bloating

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Feeling bloated and gassy happens to all of us, but that doesn't make us feel any better. A bloated belly makes us feel uncomfortable, self-conscious, and all-around miserable. Don't worry, because we've asked advice from registered dietitians on how to prevent bloating. Follow these 10 tips to feel less puffy and free of digestive discomfort.


Limit How Much Sodium You Eat

"One of the most common contributors to bloating is sodium," said registered dietitian Rachel Fine, MS, RD, CDN, owner of To the Pointe Nutrition. That's because it makes your body retain water. She suggested opting for minimally-processed packaged foods that are low in sodium (less than five percent of your daily value).

"I usually recommend about 2,300 milligrams of sodium daily but that is easily met in two tablespoons of soy sauce," added registered dietitian Amy Shapiro MS, RD, CDN of Daily Harvest. "Enjoy more whole foods and plants which are naturally lower in sodium and high in water and potassium to balance it out," Amy said. Rachel agreed and said that increasing your intake of fresh fruits and veggies will help to counteract the excess sodium levels.


Reduce Your Sugar Intake

Eating sugar, especially foods made with refined sugar, can also cause bloating, Rachel said. Sugar is hidden in everything, so check the labels on packaged foods such as sauces, dressings, crackers, and bread.

"In your GI tract, there are trillions of bacteria that usually help with health, but these bacteria consume the sugars in your foods and can increase gas production and bloat," explained registered dietitian Leslie Langevin, MS, RD, CD, of Whole Health Nutrition. Although there isn't huge evidence that ties sugar to bloat, she said that many people find relief when they cut down on added sugars and refined grains.

Amy said to also watch out for sugar alcohols in foods — look for ingredients that end in -ol, including erythitol, xylitol, and sorbitol. These are commonly found in low-carb and low-sugar foods like Quest Bars, Halo Top ice cream, and Vitamin Water Zero. Keto dieters sometimes use erythitol in their cooking because it's low-carb and tastes sweet.

Although sugar alcohols may be a low- or zero-calorie option, Amy explained that "since our body can't break down these sugar alcohols, they hang out in our intestines and our bacteria try to break them down, creating carbon dioxide in the body, which then causes gas, bloating, belly pain, and distention (swollen belly)."


Cut Down on Meals Out

"Eating out can also bring upon higher levels of salt and sugar from food," Rachel said. You just don't have control over how much sugar or sodium is added, so try to eat at home most of the time. If you are going to eat out, try not to add salt to your food.


Slow Down When You Eat

These days we're often distracted when we eat: eating on the go or while working, and we end up eating faster than we should. "When we do that, we swallow a lot of air, which in turn can cause bloating," Amy explained. "So take the time to chew your food, or enjoy a soup or smoothie that is puréed for you and sip slowly."


Drink Tons of Water Throughout the Day

"It might seem like an oxymoron to take in more water when you feel like you're holding on to too much, but your body needs water to release water," Amy explained. So to prevent and eliminate bloating, she said to make sure you drink enough water to help your body flush out the excess water.

Dehydration can also cause stomach issues, explained registered dietitian Natalie Rizzo, MS. "Being dehydrated makes it difficult for your intestines to absorb food. As a result, any food in your intestines will quickly travel to your bowels and create a sense of urgency for the bathroom, which can also result in bloat."


Avoid Foods That Personally Cause You Bloating

Be mindful of certain foods that may cause you digestive issues and bloating. Some common foods that cause bloating are dairy, gluten, and beans, Samantha Nazareth, MD, board-certified gastroenterologist, told POPSUGAR in a previous interview. Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, kale, broccoli, onions, garlic, apples, pears, and high-fat foods could also cause bloating. Try eliminating these foods and see how you feel.


Work Up a Sweat

"When you're holding extra water, it's usually due to a high consumption of toxic foods or sodium," explained Amy. She recommends hitting the gym to sweat it out or even sitting in an infrared sauna. Remember to drink water while doing this!


Fuel Properly Before a Workout

"During physical activity, blood is diverted away from the gut and into the working muscles. If you eat a large meal shortly before an intense workout, chances are the food is going to sit undigested in your stomach and cause distress," Natalie explained.

The same can happen if you eat fatty foods before a workout because they take a long time to digest. Natalie suggests choosing easily digestible simple carbs like fruit or starches for pre-workout fuel.


Limit the Booze

Reduce the amount of alcohol you're consuming, which can lead to bloat, Rachel advised, including wine, beer, and cocktails. It's called "beer gut" for a reason, and it's not just because the empty calories cause weight gain. Drinking alcohol can lead to dehydration, which, as mentioned above, can result in water retention.


Watch Out for Carbonated Beverages

Everyone has different triggers that can make them feel bloated, and Natalie said some people find that sparkling water or seltzer contribute to bloating, thanks to the bubble and carbonation. Sorry, LaCroix-lovers! Opt for plain water instead, and make it more exciting by adding fruit slices like grapefruit.


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