Ka-Pow! Nerds Is Releasing a Spicy Mango Chile Flavor This Summer

Sweet, spicy Mexican candy and carmelo from Latin America are oh-so addictive, which is why Nestle, makers of Fun Dip, Nerds, Pixy Stix, and Laffy Taffy, have been inspired by those flavors for its new Summer line of candy. Best of all, these sweet, spicy, and tangy flavors contain no artificial flavors, either. The new candies include:

  • Nerds Guava / Mango Chile
  • Nerds Lime / Pineapple
  • Laffy Taffy Guava / Pineapple
  • Fun Dip Mango Lime (with Tamarind-flavored dipping sticks) and Cucumber Watermelon (with Lime-flavored dipping sticks)
  • Pixy Stix Cucumber Watermelon / Mango Lime / Pineapple

Now, the sweet-spicy sugar rush doesn't end there. Nestle isn't the first American brand producing Latin-inspired candies. If the addiction is real, be sure to try Chili Nut M&M's and Sweet Heat Starbursts and Skittles. If you're looking to cut to the chase and get that sugar high ASAP, you can always sip on the new spicy soda: Pepsi Fire.