Homemade French Toast Cereal Is the Newest Breakfast Trend, and We Are So on Board

If you were alive and eating cereal back in 2006, then you may remember the devastation you experienced when General Mills originally discontinued the iconic French Toast Crunch. I was 9 at the time, and honestly don't think I've ever recovered. Recently, however, we were blessed with the internet trends of chocolate chip cookie cereal and pancake cereal, which are both completely delicious, but true breakfast connoisseurs like myself know that french toast will always be the superior morning option. That being said, I have incredible news: homemade french toast cereal is here (and it totally trumps French Toast Crunch)! All you need is bread, two eggs, milk, vanilla extract, cinnamon sugar, and a hot pan. And when it comes to toppings, you can add anything from rainbow sprinkles to butter and syrup to just powdered sugar and milk. Keep reading to see more of the newest breakfast trend we already can't get enough of.

Instead of Pancake Cereal, I decided to make French Toast Cereal! #foodfam #pancakecereal #recipes #gotthisforyou