27 Things You Definitely Did If You Fell in Love For the First Time in the Early 2000s

Ah, the early 2000s. If you were lucky enough to grow up during those happenin' few years, you understand so many things that others never will — especially when it comes to falling in love for the first time. Like how burning a CD for them that had the most romantic playlist was a cornerstone in your young relationship. Or how driving around while listening to music was your favorite way to think about them when you weren't together. Or maybe it was giving them a shout-out in your outgoing voicemail message when that was still a thing (remember that?!).

First loves and first heartbreaks always stay with you, and if they happened in the early 2000s when technology was just starting to become part of everyday lives, you were able to enjoy the innocence of it all (we're willing to bet you saved all the notes you and your first love wrote to each other). Keep reading for 27 things you'll definitely understand about falling in love for the first time in the early 2000s, but be warned: you'll feel very nostalgic when you're done.

Constantly Writing Notes to Each Other in School
Getty | Rubberball/Mike Kemp

Constantly Writing Notes to Each Other in School

You probably had a contest going to see who could write more notes to the other person. You also still probably have a lot of those old notes in a box in your room.

Burning CDs For Each Other
Mix CD by Buzz Feed CC BY 2.0

Burning CDs For Each Other

The curated love playlists AND the messages written on the CD were from your heart. "Happy 2 months. I luv you."

Staying Up All Night Talking on the Phone Until You Fell Asleep
HBO via Giphy

Staying Up All Night Talking on the Phone Until You Fell Asleep

"No, you hang up first."

Having Your Friends Talk to Their Friends to Relay Messages
Getty | Westend61

Having Your Friends Talk to Their Friends to Relay Messages


Dedicating Every AIM Away Message to Them

Wishing You Could Get Matching Walkie-Talkie Cell Phones
Getty | Johnny Nunez

Wishing You Could Get Matching Walkie-Talkie Cell Phones

In addition to constantly calling each other and writing notes, you wanted to also be able to chat via the very cool walkie-talkie feature on the Nextel phones.

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Listening to "Eyes Closed So Tight" by Vi3 Whenever You Had a Fight

Driving Around With Your Friends Listening to Music and Thinking About Them
Getty | Mint Images

Driving Around With Your Friends Listening to Music and Thinking About Them

Every single song made you smile and feel giddy.

Showing Up at a House Party Together Felt Like a *BiG* Deal
Getty | Devon Strong

Showing Up at a House Party Together Felt Like a *BiG* Deal

Relating to the Drama on Laguna Beach
Getty | Alberto Tamargo

Relating to the Drama on Laguna Beach

You totally related to the love triangle revolving around "StePHEN!" You also frequently said "It's DUNZO!" when talking about your own latest breakup (before you inevitably made up again).

Driving Around to Get Alone Time Away From Your Parents
Everett Collection

Driving Around to Get Alone Time Away From Your Parents

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Carefully Picking Your Song

Once you chose "your song," you played it for them all the time, burned it onto every CD, quoted its lyrics in your notes to each other, and requested it at school dances to dance to together.


Asking Each Other to Dances in Over-the-Top Ways

Homecoming, turnabout, prom — no matter the occasion, you always went all out.

Decorating the Inside of Your Locker With Pictures of Them/You Two Together

Decorating the Inside of Your Locker With Pictures of Them/You Two Together

Trying to Sneak In Kisses Between Classes Without Your Teachers Seeing
Everett Collection

Trying to Sneak In Kisses Between Classes Without Your Teachers Seeing

3-Way Calling Them and Your Friends to Find Things Out
Paramount Pictures via Giphy

3-Way Calling Them and Your Friends to Find Things Out

Were they mad at you? Did they have a crush on someone else? You. Needed. To. Know.

Giving Them a Shout-Out on Your Outgoing Voicemail Message
MTV via Giphy

Giving Them a Shout-Out on Your Outgoing Voicemail Message

"Hey, can't come to the phone right now. Leave your digits and I'll hit you up later. Also, love my boo!"

Putting Them First in Your MySpace Top 8

Putting Them First in Your MySpace Top 8

Making Photo Collages of You Two Together and Putting Them All Over Your Room
Collage by Joe Goldberg CC BY 2.0

Making Photo Collages of You Two Together and Putting Them All Over Your Room

Giving Them Their Own Dedicated Ringtone
MTV via Giphy

Giving Them Their Own Dedicated Ringtone

*"My Boo" by Usher and Alicia Keys blares from your phone*

Watching Romantic Movies Together While Cuddling on the Couch
Everett Collection

Watching Romantic Movies Together While Cuddling on the Couch

*Major* butterflies when they held your hand under the blanket. And *major* buzzkill when your parents kept checking on you every 10 minutes.

The Notebook Seriously F*cking You Up When It Came Out
Everett Collection

The Notebook Seriously F*cking You Up When It Came Out

You definitely promised each other your childhood love would last because of this movie.

Sneaking Over to Each Other's Houses Past Your Curfews and Having Deep Talks Outside
Everett Collection

Sneaking Over to Each Other's Houses Past Your Curfews and Having Deep Talks Outside

Wearing Their Letterman Jacket or Spare Jersey
Everett Collection

Wearing Their Letterman Jacket or Spare Jersey

During home games, you wore their away jersey and were so proud to rock their number.

Stealing One of Their Sweatshirts and Spraying It With Their Fragrance

Stealing One of Their Sweatshirts and Spraying It With Their Fragrance