10 New Year's Resolutions Your Kids Will Be Psyched to Strive For

Kids, in all of their adorable and curious ways, usually want to be just like their parents. Of course, they don't understand nor want the responsibilities that come with being an adult (stay young as long as you can!), but they doesn't mean they can't participate in some of our activities — case in point: New Year's resolutions. This example of pure optimism can be a beautiful activity, and getting your kids involved can be the perfect move to start the year off on the right foot. If your mini mes want to draft a simple list of resolutions for themselves this year, consider these 10 to get them going.

  1. Start simple by picking up belongings. OK, so maybe this one is more for you than for them, but children thrive on accomplishing simple tasks. At any age, it's important to understand that things have a place and that they should respect communal rooms.
  2. Help parents in the kitchen. Depending on their age, this may or not actually "help" you, but that's not the point. It's all about the long con, and it's better to let them help and make a mess at age 3 than to force it on them suddenly at 10. Besides, a little food fight or spontaneous cookie-baking session will give them memories to last a lifetime.
  3. I will empty my backpack at the end of every day. I remember my backpack as a kid being the definition of a hot mess. It's gross and can breed all kinds of germs. For the sake of everyone, encourage them to clean out their bag.
  1. Make a new friend. Many of my husband's friends that he still has today came from his elementary school. Now is the time to push your kid to make lasting friendships — after all, it's easier to bond over a shared cartoon than having to connect at a work function as an adult.
  2. Try a new activity. If your kid has always been interested in karate, see where they can take a class nearby. Sure, they may not stick with it, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't try.
  3. Start volunteering time and things. Children need to understand the concept of giving early on. It helps create empathy and a relationship with others built on compassion. Start by having them donate old or new toys and clothes and work your way up to volunteering time.
  1. Replace an unhealthy snack with something better. As a fan of salty potato chips, I know how hard this one can be, especially for children. Instead of banning all unhealthy treats, start small by replacing one snack a day with a healthy option, like fruit, vegetables, or hummus.
  2. Replace some screen time with a new hobby. Technology is important to our daily life, but it doesn't need to be the only part. Encourage more book reading, arts and crafts, and STEM activities instead.
  3. Try a challenging task first before asking for help.It doesn't matter if it's homework or learning how to open a pickle jar; children should try on their own first. They learn through failure, which, in turn, also teaches them when to ask for help.
  4. Try to include siblings, especially younger ones, in more activities. It's hard to think of others, but siblings need more love, too. Encourage your older kids to ask them to play more. It can make all the difference when maintaining a positive sibling relationship.