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8 Times We Loved Our Uber App Even More

Of all the apps that we have come to rely on, Uber is up there. It features in many a happy story ("And then my Uber showed up!"), and its driver partners are modern-day knights in shining armor — though infinitely easier to locate. To find out just how popular Uber is, we asked POPSUGAR editors and readers, from coast to coast, to share the times that their Uber driver really came through, or went above and beyond, and why it's the app they tap most. Check out their stories!

How This Modern Mom Navigates a Demanding Schedule — Without a Car

I didn't know how much my life would change when I had kids, but now that I've got two girls under 7, it feels like I've added a (crazy, wonderful, intense) full-time job to my already fast-paced days. Like a lot of working moms, I have daily meetings and a demanding schedule that has to be met while I simultaneously find time to make meals, juggle two kids' activities, and try to have some sort of social life — both family and personal. Read more!

10 Ways Going Carless Will Improve Your Life

As any car owner understands, maintaining a regular set of wheels can be irksome, expensive, and time-consuming. More drivers are choosing to go carless and embrace the freedom of increasingly better choices. And what are the benefits of breaking up with your car? Read on to find out!

Dallas Uncovered: Hidden Gems That Are Just an Uber Ride Away

There are some locales tourists and locals alike just can't resist. From under-the-radar bars to take-your-breath-away architecture to can't-resist food-truck meccas, Dallas is home to many. We've rounded up the most incredible spots you need to visit. The best part? They're one convenient Uber ride away. The next time you inaccurately complain that there's nothing to do, just open that app and head out the door. You won't regret it. Read more!

Price Hack: Get a Fare Estimate

Time-Saving Hack: Find the Right Ride

Social Hack: Check Out Uber on Facebook

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