10 Ways Joshua Tree Makes Desert Dreamin' a Reality

Lauren Breedlove
Lauren Breedlove

Desert thoughts may not necessarily be our default daydreams, but a getaway to Joshua Tree is seriously about to be on your radar. It'll be #Desertgoals (like #dessertgoals but without the cake) galore for your Instagram feed. These scenes from Joshua Tree, CA, will present a solid case for adding it to your daydream docket for good reason. Deserts aren't just hot and sticky barren lands riddled with prickly cacti; they're also chock full of beautiful tones, starlight skies, unique art, and wide open spaces. Did we mention coffee, saloons, and delightful vintage shops? Yeah, that too. Don't even get us started on the sunsets . . . we'll let the photos convince you.

Joshua Tree Trails
Lauren Breedlove

Joshua Tree Trails

You obviously need to slip on some hiking shoes and trek one of the many trails at your disposal while visiting Joshua Tree National Park. It's the best way to get up close and personal with those strange trees, cool rock formations, and all around desert vibe-y-ness. A great starting point from the Joshua Tree entrance is the Hidden Valley Trail where you can have a well-rounded experience straight out the gate.

Crossroad's Cafe
Lauren Breedlove

Crossroad's Cafe

Two words: banana bread. You know those places you go for breakfast where muffins and breads aren't even on your radar until you see them being grilled on butter for that crisp, toasty, delish effect? THIS IS ONE OF THOSE PLACES. Turns out the desert is not a barren place for a solid morning meal spread. Oh, and everything else on the menu is stuff-your-face worthy.

Joshua Tree Coffee Company
Lauren Breedlove

Joshua Tree Coffee Company

Tucked behind a pizza place on Joshua Tree's main strip is a great coffee joint. Do yourself a favor, and order off the secret menu. Ask for the nitro brew with chocolate milk, and you'll never be the same. It's the quench to your desert thirst and the caffeine fix you crave. But you didn't hear that here (wink, wink).

Desert Scenery
Lauren Breedlove

Desert Scenery

We just can't get enough of the bendy mysterious trees and odd-looking cacti dotting the expansive landscape. Since this is the backdrop for our desert dreamin', it's likely the most crucial element. Wander the hiking trails in Joshua Tree National Park or head out for a drive on the desert roads. Either way you'll stock your mind with stunning visions aplenty.

Joshua Tree Saloon
Lauren Breedlove

Joshua Tree Saloon

Because, are you even hangin' in the desert unless you're saloon hangin'? (You're not, by the way.) Besides being totally photo-worthy, it's actually a great spot to grab a drink in their outdoor space and some eats too, if you so desire. Not pictured: an amazing vintage bus parked stage right that you'll want to snap scenes of, too.

Olde-Timey Shopping
Lauren Breedlove

Olde-Timey Shopping

Desert vintage is definitely a thing. Even if you're not in the market for some new 'olde' pieces, browsing is pretty damn fun. From clothing to accessories and trinkets, Ricochet is jam-packed with interesting items. Maybe you'll even find some desert treasure to repurpose back at home. Anything can happen.

Desert Lodging
Lauren Breedlove

Desert Lodging

Patio parties are not only a thing here, but a wildly adorable one at that. Never has a mismatched setup been so pretty. This gem was on the porch of a house called "Desert Gold" as part of the Thunderbird Lodge Retreat right next to the park. They offer a selection of fully equipped rentals smack dab in the desert, each one unique with enough knick-knacks to keep your eyes occupied for days.

Desert Sunsets
Lauren Breedlove

Desert Sunsets

There's just something about the sky-on-fire effect when the sun dips down for the night in the desert that you'll want to bottle up and take home with you. It finally cools down, the sky is streaked in hues of color, and the view is unforgettable.

Pappy and Harriet's
Lauren Breedlove

Pappy and Harriet's

Desert dreams ignite at this watering hole complete with live music and adult beverages. Just outside of town is a little place called Pioneertown, where Pappy and Harriet's resides. Some epic names have played here so make sure to check their schedule, and prepare to rock the night away.

Stargazing Goals
Lauren Breedlove

Stargazing Goals

Desert dreams don't end when the sun goes down. In fact, Joshua Tree is one of the top places for stargazing in the USA. Tiny sparkly specks in the ultradark sky are only made better by the wildly unique Joshua trees stealing the scene. There are several stargazing events you can plan your visit around, or just go on your own and be ready for jaw drop. Tip: go away from surrounding "city" lights to immerse yourself in full darkness and optimum star viewing.