Your March 27 Weekly Horoscope Warns That Not Everything Is as It Seems

March 27 weekly horoscope
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It's an action-packed week in the cosmos, so don't get too comfortable, stargazers. We just kicked off a brand-new season and astrological year, and your March 27 weekly horoscope will take this momentum and run with it. For instance, Mercury (the planet of communication and transportation) will join the sun in Aries at the start of the week. This will not only pick up the pace but also add a feisty flavor to your immediate surroundings. When Mercury ignites this cardinal fire sign, there's no time beating around the bush. On the contrary, this Mercury transit is bold and straight to the point. If you're the type to overthink things or weigh out the pros and cons, you're being encouraged to confidently take the lead. On the dark side, however, Mercury in Aries could be impulsive and hot-headed, so try to steer away from power plays and one-uppers that lead to arguments. After all, there's a difference between asserting yourself vs. acting rash and impulsive.

The following day, the moon, Mars, Venus, and Saturn will join forces in Aquarius, which means we're all taking a cold hard look at the truth of a particular situation. And with Venus in the mix, this could have something to do with the dynamic of a particular relationship or themes surrounding your finances and overall sense of stability. This transit is clear-minded; it squeezes the logic of our emotions, which can be helpful in the long run. But when the moon meets with Jupiter-Neptune in Pisces on March 30, there will be a major vibe shift: when it comes to art, music, spirituality, and dreamwork, there's no better transit to harness your intuitive abilities. However, there's a light and dark side to everything, and all of this Piscean energy could trigger issues of deception and an overall lack of boundary setting. Be discerning between your current reality and what is simply an illusion.

The first of the season, and the official kickoff of a brand-new lunar cycle, this week's new moon will conjunct the wounded healer, Chiron, in Aries on April 1, which is one of the reasons why it's so incredibly significant. Where have you been reluctant to be your most authentic self? Where do you lack courage, passion, and enthusiasm? Given the essence of Chiron, you're also being called to reflect and revisit past wounds that may be stifling you at this moment. Your visions of the future are crystalizing and manifesting as we speak, so keep doing the work. More importantly, the seeds of intention you plant at this time could potentially influence the rest of your year, so make them count.

If you're wondering what this week has in store for you, read on for your weekly horoscope for March 27 through April 2, according to your zodiac sign and your rising sign. For a look at the whole month, check out your March monthly horoscope, and for a greater look at your year overall, read your 2022 horoscope.

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Aries (March 21-April 19) Weekly Horoscope For March 27, 2022

Your glow-up starts now, Aries. In addition to the sun energizing and revitalizing you, clever Mercury will join in on the fun this week, making your March 27 weekly horoscope all the better. Mercury debuting in your sign at the top of the week is equivalent to having a microphone in your throat, so use your words wisely. FYI, you may have to think fast when the moon joins forces with Venus, Saturn, and your planetary ruler, Mars, on March 28. Whether personally or professionally, you're bound to gain significant (or perhaps even brutally honest) insight regarding a friendship group, social network, and/or long-term goal.

Just in time to go inward, the moon will conjunct Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces on March 30, bringing emphasis to your reclusive 12th house of closure, dreams, and unconscious patterns. If you're feeling exhausted by a particular situation, make sure you're getting enough rest; show yourself the same compassion you have for the rest of the world. On March 31, the moon will meet with Mercury in your sign, which may inspire you to speak up, and that's also where the new moon comes into play, sitting alongside Chiron. This is an opportunity for you to set the record straight and make some much-needed changes in your personal life. Are you ready to take the lead, and create the life you deserve?

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Taurus (April 20-May 20) Weekly Horoscope For March 27, 2022

You're doing the inner work before eclipse season comes back around, Taurus. This is especially true when considering the sun's journey through warrior-like Aries and your secretive 12th house of closure, dreams, karma, and unconscious patterns. The week of March 27 begins with Mercury's debut in Aries, which continues to inspire the need for introspection and self-reflection. The moon, however, will sit with Mars in your 10th house of authority while facing off with Uranus in your sign, creating a push-pull effect between the reputation you're trying to uphold and what you're strategizing on behind the scenes. On March 28, your ruler, Venus, will meet with Saturn in your career sector, urging you to look at things realistically.

Maybe it's a financial investment or a delayed promotion at work, while there's no need to lose your cool, it's time to be more pragmatic with your approach. If it's no longer serving you, then it's time for something new. Do keep in mind, the following day could trigger feelings of confusion as the moon will join forces with Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces, adding a layer of uncertainty when it comes to your social circles and visions of the future. Don't make any rash decisions or assumptions at this moment. This week's new moon in Aries will conjunct Chiron, which, in turn, reminds you to tap into your inner strength. Where has your power been taken away from you? What's holding you back from taking a new direction?

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Gemini (May 21-June 20) Weekly Horoscope For March 27, 2022

Gather with your besties and call it a day, Gemini. After all, it's not every day your curious planetary ruler, Mercury, transits through Aries and your 11th house of associations, community, and sense of belonging in the world. However, despite kicking the week off on a friendly note, the moon's conjunction with Mars, Venus, and Saturn in Aquarius — via your expansive ninth house of adventure, higher learning, and unknown territory — on March 28 could bring a sobering reality check, especially those contemplating relocation, entrepreneurial ventures, and/or going back to school. The moon then shifts into your career sector the following day, meeting with Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces. If you're lacking a sense of direction, don't be discouraged, as this mystifying transit is prone to triggering feelings of confusion, uncertainty, and general restlessness. Pay attention as the elusiveness could be deceiving.

On a much brighter note, the new moon in Aries on April 1 brings fertility and momentum to your 11th house of community — but there's a catch. In conjunction with the wounded healer, Chiron, you're being challenged to face your fears and step into your most authentic self. Not that you have a problem being you, but following your true North is what will bring you closer to your divine mission on the planet. Expect more clarity once your planetary ruler, Mercury, conjuncts the sun on April 2.

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Cancer (June 21-July 22) Weekly Horoscope For March 27, 2022

To collaborate or not, that is the literal question, Cancer. The week of March 27 begins with Mercury debuting in Aries in your bossy 10th house of authority, career, and reputation in the world. So if you're suddenly feeling the urge to delegate, it's not a coincidence. Go on and take charge. Then the moon will conjunct Venus and Saturn in Aquarius on March 28, bringing greater emphasis to your eighth house of mergers, joint ventures, and shared resources. Where has there been a lack of mutual reciprocity? Whether personally or professionally, this is an opportunity for you to step up and nurture the connections worthy of your time and energy.

Keep in mind: if things are up in the air midweek, don't question it, and go with the flow. After all, the moon will meet with Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces on March 30 which, in turn, adds a layer of ambiguity and confusion to your visions of the future. Things may not make sense right away, and that's OK. Given the elusiveness of this transit, it's just important that you set firm boundaries at this time, especially when it pertains to your belief systems. This could very well revolve around a new career direction you're contemplating, as the new moon in Aries will light up this area of your chart on April 1. Sitting alongside the wounded healer, Chiron, this lunation is not only bringing new beginnings to your professional life, but also challenging you to face your fears. You are limitless.

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Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Weekly Horoscope For March 27, 2022

You're making leaps and bounds, Leo. Where are you off to next? The week of March 27 begins with Mercury debuting in your sister sign, Aries, via your expansive ninth house of adventure, wisdom, and unknown territory. However, despite looking towards the future with confidence and fiery enthusiasm, the moon-Mars square to Uranus could simultaneously catch you off guard, whether personally or within a professional environment. Where is your individual freedom being compromised? The moon will be joining forces with Venus and Saturn in Aquarius on March 28, which, in turn, adds a layer of pragmatism to the dynamic of your unions. Whatever's hanging by a thread will likely be brought to the forefront at this time.

After the moon enters Pisces on March 29, feelings of uncertainty are likely to surface. More so the following day, when the moon meets with Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces in your intimate eighth house of soul-to-soul connections. Be discerning when it comes to your energy; this could be financially or romantically, but either way, boundaries may need to be set. Deception and general elusiveness could inspire your ideals, so be sure to stay grounded. When the moon renews itself on April 1, you could be faced with an important decision that requires you to take a leap of faith. Do you trust it?

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Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Weekly Horoscope For March 27, 2022

Your conversations are taking a turn this week, Virgo. If you've been sweeping things under the rug or consciously disregarding the elephant in the room, things are about to change. The week of March 27 will begin with your planetary ruler, Mercury, charging into Aries and your taboo-loving eighth house of intimate unions, shared resources, and spiritual bonds, which adds a layer of mystery and smoldering intensity to your exchanges and general thought process. Whether personally, romantically, or professionally, you're paying close attention to the details — yes, even more so than usual.

On March 28, the moon will meet with Venus and Saturn in Aquarius, which could, in turn, apply pressure with regards to problem solving, but don't let this discourage you. The cosmos is urging you to be honest with yourself and perhaps even ask someone you trust to lend a hand. Sounds blasphemous for Virgo placements, but we all get by with a little help from our friends. That being said, the moon's shift into Pisces and your committed seventh house of relationships could potentially trigger feelings of uncertainty and confusion, especially once Luna joins forces with Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces on March 30. If things feel wishy washy or more vague than you're used to, use your better judgment and trust your intuition. The moon will renew itself on April 1 alongside the wounded healer, Chiron, in your eighth house of transactions. If there's fear surrounding your ability to merge with someone — business or pleasure — this is your chance to rise above what's been holding you back.

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Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Weekly Horoscope For March 27, 2022

There's nothing wrong with being more assertive, and you're seeing this firsthand, Libra. The week of March 27 begins with Mercury debuting in warrior-like Aries while bringing clarity and momentum to your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others. However, in the midst of this mental pick-me-up in your relationship sector, there's a moon-Mars square with freedom-loving Uranus in your intimate eighth house of joint ventures. Speaking up to a significant other — whether personally or professionally — is likely to happen at this time, especially if you already feel as though your freedom is being compromised for this union. Your planetary ruler, Venus, will meet with Saturn the following day, which gives you no choice but to look at things from a more pragmatic standpoint. These themes could definitely be work-related, unless you're dealing with other responsibilities stemming from your current romantic relationship.

Next, the moon will be joining forces with Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces on March 30, which automatically unlocks the floodgates in your sixth house of daily rituals, due diligence, and acts of service. If something's no longer giving you peace of mind, don't be obligated to hold onto it. Be gentle with yourself, and honor your own needs. Only you have the power to speak for yourself, and the new moon in Aries on April 1 could be the straw that breaks the camel's back. You deserve someone to meet you halfway, so don't settle for anything less.

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Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Weekly Horoscope For March 27, 2022

You're switching things up in your day-to-day and creating more room to grow and thrive, Scorpio. In the meantime, the week of March 27 kicks off with Mercury shifting into Aries, and your responsible sixth house of health, daily rituals, and acts of service — so chances are you'll keep busy. However, as the moon roams alongside Mars in Aquarius in your fourth house of home, it will simultaneously face off with rebel Uranus in your relationship sector. In need of some personal space? You could butt heads with a roommate and/or partner, so stay in your lane. Venus will also conjunct Saturn in Aquarius on March 28, which encourages you to be realistic with your approach and current situation.

On March 30, after the moon's shift into fantasy-loving Pisces in your fun-filled fifth house of romance and self-expression, the moon will join forces with Jupiter and Neptune, adding a mystifying and otherworldly layer to your musings and love language. If you dabble in the arts or creative writing, this is an excellent transit for tapping into your intuition and alchemizing you dreams and colorful visions. On the dark side, however, you're more prone to over idealizing romance and potential love interests; be honest with yourself. Right before the week comes to a close, the moon will renew itself alongside the wounded healer, Chiron. Have you been reluctant to integrate more creativity into your day? What's stifling you from doing what you love most?

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Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Weekly Horoscope For March 27, 2022

"Working hard or hardly working" is the vibe this week, Sagittarius, so if you're in the mood to play hooky, it's not a coincidence. The week of March 27 begins with Mercury making its dynamic debut in Aries and your playful fifth house of creativity, romance, and self-expression. Do keep in mind, the moon will be traveling together with Mars in Aquarius (your communication sector) all the while facing off with rebel Uranus in your day-to-day sector. Translation: something is bound to distract you from your duties. But there's more: Venus will join forces with Saturn the following day, which gives you no choice but to face the music after a whole day of slacking, unless you feel your freedom is being compromised, of course.

If something seems troubling come midweek, don't add unnecessary pressure by dwelling on the uncertainties of the future. After all, the moon will conjunct your planetary ruler, Jupiter, and dreamy Neptune in Pisces on March 30, unleashing the floodgates in your emotionally driven fourth house of home, family matters, and innermost feelings. Maybe you're overdue for a mental health day at the spa, or a personal day in your fave pair of pajamas binging a Netflix series. You're being called to tend to something in your personal life, which may require you to set some boundaries. Just in time for the upcoming lunation on April 1, the moon will renew itself alongside the wounded healer, Chiron, in Aries, which is also encouraging you to reunite with your inner child. Your emotional fulfillment is always a priority.

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Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Weekly Horoscope For March 27, 2022

Emotional outbursts may or may not be your thing, Capricorn, but that doesn't mean they're not incredibly liberating. After all, when was the last time you let it all hang out? The week of March 27 begins with Mercury entering warrior-like Aries, and your emotionally driven fourth house of home, family, and innermost feelings. Again, to each their own, but you could experience irritability or perhaps some temper tantrums during this fiery transit, so be sure to find an outlet. The moon will also square off with disruptive Uranus in your fifth house of romance, passion, and self-expression. If it makes you happy, then why are you insecure about it?

On March 28, whether creatively, professionally, or romantically, Venus's close proximity to your planetary ruler, Saturn, will more than likely challenge you to look at the reality of a particular situation. Maybe it's surrounding the value and/or investment you've been putting your energy into. It could be as eccentric as ever, but if it matters to you, then you have your answer. Keep in mind, misunderstandings are likely on March 30, when the moon conjuncts Jupiter-Neptune in Pisces, as it will fog up your third house of communication, thought process, and immediate exchanges. You may not be seeing things as they are, so be mindful of your illusions. It's easy to get carried away on this day, but the moon will renew itself alongside the wounded healer, Chiron, shortly after on April 1. Does it feel like home? Trust your instincts.

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Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Weekly Horoscope For March 27, 2022

It's your turn to hold the mic, Aquarius. The week of March 27 will kick off with savvy Mercury in Aries, bringing clarity and momentum to your buzzing third house of communication, thought process, and immediate surroundings, which means you're not only more vocally expressive, but also busier than usual. Also, the moon will be traveling alongside Mars in your sign, all the while facing off with your modern ruler, Uranus, in the process. As much as I'm inclined to tell you to expect the unexpected, it's you who will likely catch others off guard at this time. Then again, you have no problem starting a revolution; you do it all on your own.

Then on March 28, Venus will meet with Saturn in your sign. It could feel a little grim, or too structured for your liking, but know that it's for your best interest. Whether personally or professionally, this is a time to solidify themes surrounding your identity and general messaging. What do you stand for? How do you want to be recognized? If you're experiencing feelings of doubt or insecurity around the middle of the week, don't despair. The moon will conjunct Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces on March 30, which, in turn, adds a layer of ambiguity and perplexing undercurrents to your second house of comfort, finances, and values. Be discerning with your finances, and don't sell yourself short. The new moon in Aries on April 1 will conjunct the wounded healer, Chiron, in your mobile third house of nearby travel, immediate surroundings, and brainstorming sessions. Never disregard your lightbulb moments. Ask questions and surround yourself with those you find intellectually stimulating.

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Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Weekly Horoscope For March 27, 2022

Something significant is being brought to your attention this week, so pay attention to the synchronicities, Pisces. In the meantime, the week of March 27 kicks off with Mercury supercharging your stability-seeking second house of comfort, finances, and values, which continues to bring clarity and momentum to themes surrounding your sense of security. While the moon travels alongside fiery Mars in Aquarius — in your 12th house of closure, dreams, and hidden agendas — Luna will face off with rebel Uranus in the process. Where have you been unconsciously restricting your greatness? Invisible barriers and general self-sabotage are being brought to your attention at this time. Venus will conjunct Saturn the following day, which could potentially shed light on repressed talents and subliminal relationship patterns that no longer serve you.

After the moon enters your sign, Luna will join forces with both of your celestial rulers, Jupiter and Neptune, in your sign. Reflective and mystifying, this combination of energies will adorn your auric field with a psychic sonar of universal oneness, making you twice as sensitive to your surroundings. You're also incredibly hard to pin down, so harness the power of your enigmatic charms. More importantly, don't lose sight of who you are, and set firm boundaries with those surrounding you if needed. Meditate and visualize your goals; invoke your creative muse and cultivate your relationship with spirit. On April 1, the moon will renew itself alongside the wounded healer, Chiron, which will likely challenge you to step into your power and own up to your self-worth. You are capable and worth it. Work your magic.

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