Your May 8 Weekly Horoscope Includes a Warrior-Like Shift in Momentum

May 8, 2022 weekly horoscope
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Despite the notorious effects that occur during a retrograde, there's a plus side to this cosmic phenomenon — that's right, Mercury is retrograde again, starting this week, and it's coloring much of your May 8 weekly horoscope. Now, it's no secret that just reading the word "retrograde" alone can cause stress, but it helps to look at the bigger picture of this astrological occurrence.

Mercury, the planet of communication and transportation, will soon follow Pluto's footsteps, officially stationing retrograde in Gemini on May 10. Pluto is the planet of power and transformation, and its retrograde transits aren't meaningless, but its slow-moving pace and generational influence ripples over time, and at a macro level. Mercury, however, is a personal planet; it governs everything from the way you process information to the dynamic of your immediate surroundings — from texting your group chats to sending your boss an email and getting from point A to point B. See the difference? Mercury will also retrograde through its sign of rulership, Gemini, which already represents mercurial themes, namely mental processes and communication styles. So, it's safe to say, this will be a more "concentrated" Mercury retrograde transit, so to speak. Keep in mind, Mercury retrograde will re-enter Taurus on May 22 before stationing direct on June 3.

But Mercury retrograde isn't the only notable astrological event this week. On May 10, lucky Jupiter will make its fiery debut in Aries for the first time in over a decade, joining seductive Venus as she continues to dance through the cardinal fire sign. Granted, we're between eclipses right now, but there's no denying the shift in momentum once Jupiter leaves mystical Pisces and enters warrior-like Aries. Governed by red-hot Mars, Aries is symbolic of assertion, battle, leadership, and passion. Similar to waking up from a dream, Jupiter in Aries will collectively propel you into your soul's unique path. There's something beautiful and distinctive about your divine mission on the planet, and this is what your Jupiter in Aries journey will be about.

If you're wondering what this week has in store for you, read on for your weekly horoscope for May 8 through May 14, according to your zodiac sign and your rising sign. For a look at the whole month, check out your May horoscope, and for a greater look at your year overall, read your 2022 horoscope.

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Aries (March 21-April 19) Weekly Horoscope For May 8, 2022

You're the entire package, Aries. In addition to having seductive Venus dazzling your cardinal territory, lucky Jupiter will also be returning to your sign on May 10 for the first time in over a decade. Cheers to being the celestial favorite! Remember, Jupiter is the planet of abundance, expansion, and spiritual wisdom. Meaning the cosmos is giving you a significant push to go towards your goals and will support your hopes and dreams every step of the way. However, that same day, savvy Mercury will also be stationing retrograde in Gemini and your curious third house of communication.

Make sure to double- and triple-check your travel itinerary and back up your data. After all, the Mercury retrograde shenanigans are especially potent when the messenger planet transits through its sign of rulership, so don't sleep on your miscellanies. On May 11, upon the moon's shift into Virgo and your responsible sixth house of daily rituals, it will activate a grand Earth trine with the sun and Pluto, making it the perfect opportunity to ground your energy and be more productive with your day-to-day tasks. We're between eclipses right now, so do yourself a favor and harness the stabilizing essence of this celestial synergy.

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Taurus (April 20-May 20) Weekly Horoscope For May 8, 2022

Are you feeling the shift in momentum, Taurus? The irony of being between eclipses and the intensity that comes along with them is that the week of May 8 begins with your planetary ruler, Venus, glimmering through your 12th house of closure, dreams, and inhibitions. You can always harness these charms in a more reclusive or quiet atmosphere, but right now you're being called to retreat, reflect, and get some rest. Besides catching up on your beauty sleep, Jupiter will be joining Venus in Aries on May 10, which, in turn, encourages you to go inward and explore your spiritual side. You know a thing or two about indulging in some well-deserved R&R, so no worries on that.

Mercury the messenger will also station retrograde in Gemini that same day, so second-house themes (comfort, finances, stability, and value systems) will likely be revisited between now and the beginning of June. As always, be discerning with financial contracts and investments. And even more importantly, make sure you're owning up to your self-worth. On May 11, the moon will debut in Virgo and your romantic fifth house of love, passion, and pleasure, all the while activating a stabilizing earth trine with the sun in your sign and Pluto retrograde via your ninth house of belief systems. Next steps are becoming more and more clear, especially when it comes to your commitments and one-on-one relationships — but stay tuned for next week's lunar eclipse.

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Gemini (May 21-June 20) Weekly Horoscope For May 8, 2022

Are you ready for your close-up, Gemini? You're likely aware of the upcoming Mercury retrograde, but let's focus on what you have to look forward to. In addition to having sensually driven Venus sashaying through Aries and your socially conscious 11th house of community affairs and sense of belonging in the world, lucky Jupiter (celestial ruler of your relationship sector) will join the planet of love in this area of your chart on May 10. Both of these life-giving planets want to expand your horizons and adorn your social networks with prosperity and abundance.

Before jumping head first into an exciting opportunity, however, it's important to read the fine print, especially since your savvy planetary ruler, Mercury, will be stationing retrograde in your sign that same day. Double tap, swipe right, and send with caution, as we're all prone to more misunderstandings and miscommunications right now. The following day, upon the moon's shift into methodical Virgo and your emotionally driven fourth house of home, family, and innermost feelings, the moon will join the sun and Pluto retrograde in a grand Earth trine. Take a moment to gather your thoughts and check in with yourself. Nothing is yet set in stone, but the upcoming lunar eclipse will surely bring a change of perspective.

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Cancer (June 21-July 22) Weekly Horoscope For May 8, 2022

Don't be afraid to hog the spotlight, Cancer. The week of May 8 begins with the first quarter moon in Leo, bringing momentum to your stability-seeking second house, all the while squaring rebellious Uranus via your 11th house of social networks. You're being presented with a series of exciting offers and opportunities, but you're likely choosing to stick to your guns for the time being. It's not a bad idea with Mercury stationing retrograde on May 11, as it's important to be discerning with communications between now and the beginning of June. However, on a more exciting note, lucky Jupiter will join Venus in Aries that same day, bringing abundance and expansion to your bossy 10th house of career, reputation, and sense of authority.

While between eclipses, you could be feeling torn with regard to your decisions. This is all part of the journey, so no need to rush the process. Having said that, upon the moon's shift into Virgo and your curious communication sector, there will be a stabilizing grand Earth trine with the sun (in your 11th house of community) and Pluto retrograde (in your relationship sector). So, in addition to partaking in productive self-reflection, you're also taking your power back when it comes to particular partnerships. Luna will sit in opposition to Mars and Neptune, which, in turn, encourages you to be exclusive with your energy. You could begin to see things from a different perspective once the moon enters Libra on May 12, but the upcoming lunar eclipse will bring powerful revelations.

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Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Weekly Horoscope For May 8, 2022

When all else fails, lean on your best pals, Leo. If you're feeling overwhelmed this week, be sure to ground your energy and be gentle with yourself. We are, after all, between eclipses — and as if this weren't enough reason to hibernate, the first quarter moon in your sign on May 8 could shake things up in your emotional world, as it will eventually lead towards a significant climax. (It could have to do with work, as the moon will face off with rebel Uranus in your career sector.) All in all, embrace your freedom, but don't dismiss your authority figures — especially not now. It's not worth it.

On May 10, Mercury will station retrograde in Gemini, which, in turn, challenges you to revisit and reflect on everything from your visions of the future to your sense of belonging in the world. That same day, lucky Jupiter will join Venus in Aries, bringing abundance, expansion, and prosperity to your ninth house of adventure, belief systems, and unknown territory. However, with Mercury retrograde until the end of June, there are few things to consider before taking a leap of faith. On May 11, upon the moon's shift into Virgo and your stability-seeking second house of values, Luna will activate a grand Earth trine with your celestial ruler, the sun, along with Pluto retrograde. Get your ducks in a row; prioritize your daily rituals and peace of mind.

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Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Weekly Horoscope For May 8, 2022

Ground your thoughts and relax your mind, Virgo. Granted, this is easier said than done, especially while between eclipses, but the week of May 8 will begin with the first quarter moon in Leo, touching down on your 12th house of closure, dreams, inhibitions, and unconscious patterns. If you feel the need to kick it back and recharge your batteries, don't hesitate to do so. After all, upon the moon's shift into your sign on May 11, Luna will activate a grand Earth trine with the sun and Pluto retrograde. Following your heart isn't a walk in the park, especially when past experiences still haunt the back of your mind, but the tides are indeed turning.

On May 10, your planetary ruler, Mercury, will station retrograde in Gemini, bringing the past back around for review in your 10th house of authority, career, and reputation. Are your fears or inhibitions stemming from themes surrounding your legacy and public persona? Lucky Jupiter will join Venus in Aries that same day, adorning your erotic eighth house of mergers, shared resources, and soulmate connections with abundance, expansion, and prosperous opportunities. Speaking of which, the moon's shift into Libra on May 12 will likely bring clarity to themes surrounding your sense of stability and career moves. Expect significant developments, but be sure to read the fine print during Mercury retrograde.

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Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Weekly Horoscope For May 8, 2022

Your exchanges and energetic investments continue to be top of mind, Libra. Meanwhile, the first quarter moon in Leo will bring momentum to your 11th house of associations, community, and individual freedom, so chances are you're in the midst of reflecting on next steps with regard to networking and social collaborations. Having said that, Mercury will station retrograde in Gemini on May 10, which will, in turn, encourage you to revisit mercurial themes (i.e. conversations, logistics, transportation) surrounding everything from an entrepreneurial venture to a unique philosophy of sorts. So, if you decide to travel, be sure to triple check your itinerary, and prepare a back-up plan in case.

That day, lucky Jupiter will join your celestial ruler, Venus, in Aries, bringing abundance, prosperity, and expansion to everything from your romantic one-on-one partnerships to your professional collaborations. This, of course, goes hand in hand with the upcoming lunar eclipse in Scorpio, as it will trigger a powerful finale when it comes to second-house themes (i.e. comfort, money, and stability). In the meantime, however, the moon's shift into Virgo on May 11 — in your 12th house of closure, dreams, and inhibitions — will activate a grand Earth trine with the sun and Pluto retrograde. Again, you're being called to reflect on your values and priorities, as you are in the process of building a foundation for the long term. Luna enters your sign on May 12, bringing balance to your inner world just in time for another eclipse.

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Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Weekly Horoscope For May 8, 2022

If you're feeling tensions rising, you're not alone, Scorpio. Although, when considering the upcoming lunar eclipse in your sign, chances are you're feeling the emotional buildup more than most. Nevertheless, the week of May 8 will begin with the first quarter moon in Leo, bringing momentum and clarity to your bossy 10th house of career, reputation, and sense of authority. Exciting (and perhaps even life-changing) opportunities could suddenly appear at your doorstep, but with Mercury stationing retrograde on May 10, it's important to reflect on next steps and consider the logistics before taking any sort of risk. Ironically enough, lucky Jupiter will also debut in Aries that same day, joining Venus via your sixth house of daily rituals.

Prosperous opportunities are headed your way, but it's important for you to trust that it's all happening in divine timing. On May 11, upon the moon's shift into methodical Virgo, Luna will trigger a grand Earth trine with the sun in your relationship sector and your modern ruler, Pluto, via your third house of communication. Both your social and professional calendar will be buzzing this week. If you feel the need to retreat when the moon enters Libra on May 12, you're right on time, as there will be a total lunar eclipse in your sign a couple of days later. The moon will also harmonize with Mercury retrograde, so important conversations are likely to resurface at this time. Don't hold back from speaking your truth.

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Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Weekly Horoscope For May 8, 2022

The sky's the limit, Sagittarius. There is, however, something that needs to be surrendered before you can embark on this new journey, which goes hand in hand with the upcoming lunar eclipse in Scorpio. The first quarter moon in Leo on May 8 will bring energy and momentum to your expansive ninth house of adventure, belief systems, and personal philosophy, all the while facing off with rebellious Uranus in the process. If the logistics don't make sense right away, don't be discouraged. It's all unfolding in divine timing. Also, Mercury will station retrograde in Gemini on May 10, bringing the past back around for review via your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others.

Blast from the past? Between now and the beginning of June, it's all very possible. Although, with your celestial ruler, Jupiter, debuting in Aries that same day, chances are you'll be too preoccupied with either a creative collaboration or your romantic feelings for someone. This is especially true with seductive Venus also dazzling this area of your chart, too. On May 11, upon the moon's shift into Virgo (in your 10th house of career, authority, and reputation) the moon will form a grand Earth trine with the sun and Pluto retrograde. This will, in turn, help you stabilize something long-lasting in your professional life. Then again, with Mercury retrograde, it's important to read the fine print before committing to anything. On May 12, the moon will enter Libra and link up with Mercury, which could potentially bring clarity on next step — but let's get through the upcoming lunar eclipse first.

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Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Weekly Horoscope For May 8, 2022

The question isn't about knowing what you want, Capricorn. You're well aware of what you desire, and the week of May 8 will begin with the first quarter moon in Leo, bringing intensity and momentum to your eighth house of intimate unions, shared resources, and soulmate connections. Something's definitely brewing here. The moon will also square rebellious Uranus via your fifth house of love, triggering tension between your prior commitments and your heart's desires. On another note, with Mercury stationing retrograde in Gemini (your sixth house of daily rituals) on May 11, it's important to be discerning and mindful of the details, as we are more prone to misunderstandings and miscommunications between now and early June.

On a brighter note, lucky Jupiter will join Venus in Aries that same day, bringing expansion and abundance to your domestic fourth house of home, family matters, and innermost feelings, which is ideal for everything from sprucing up your humble abode to planning a long overdue vacation. Speaking of plans, the moon's shift into Virgo (your ninth house of expansion and travel) on May 11 will trigger a grand Earth trine with the sun (in your fifth house of passion) and Pluto retrograde in your sign. You heart is your compass, and it's leading you down an intriguing path. However, when considering the upcoming lunar eclipse in Scorpio, it's important to remind yourself that change is the only thing that is constant.

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Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Weekly Horoscope For May 8, 2022

Are you willing to meet them halfway, Aquarius? Whether it's personally or professionally, giving a partner your word is easier said than done at this time, especially with Mercury stationing retrograde this week. But there's more. On May 8, the first quarter moon in Leo will bring momentum and intensity to your committed seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others, all the while clashing with your modern ruler, Uranus. Emotional shake-ups are likely during this time, so tread lightly. Also, with Mercury stationing retrograde in Gemini — your fifth house of romance, children, passion projects, and self-expression — themes surrounding everything from your love language to your heart's desires will come up for review between now and early June.

On a brighter note, lucky Jupiter will join Venus in Aries on May 10, bringing abundance, expansion, and prosperous opportunities to your third house of communication, short trips, and immediate surroundings. So, despite your ultra-intellectual nature and unmatched stubbornness, your perspective is bound to expand in more ways than one. This could have something to do with a professional collaboration of sorts (especially when considering the upcoming lunar eclipse), but a stabilizing grand Earth trine on May 11 will help you ground your thoughts, so you can eventually commit to something that will benefit you in the long term. The moon will also enter Libra the following day, where it will harmonize with Mercury retrograde, so expect significant clarity to come out of the woodwork.

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Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Weekly Horoscope For May 8, 2022

Spruce up your daily routine and make more room for what brings you joy, Pisces. The week of May 8 will begin with the first quarter moon in festive Leo, bringing clarity and momentum to your sixth house of health, work tasks, and due diligence. The moon will, however, clash with freedom-loving Uranus, creating a significant amount of friction between the chaos taking place within your immediate surroundings and staying productive in your day-to-day life. As if this weren't enough reason to take a well-deserved hiatus, Mercury will also station retrograde on May 10, which typically comes with a series of misunderstandings — so be discerning with your comments and commitments. That same day, after a mystical journey through your sign, your traditional ruler, Jupiter, will make its official debut in Aries and your stability-seeking second house of comfort, finances, and value systems.

Keep in mind, pleasure-seeking Venus is also dazzling this area of your chart, which means two life-giving planets are blessing you with abundance and prosperity. Ka-ching! On May 11, upon the moon's shift into Virgo and your relationship sector, it will trigger a grand Earth trine with the sun and Pluto retrograde, which, in turn, brings forth the opportunity to stabilize or solidify a significant partnership, whether personally or professionally. Although with tricky Mercury stationing retrograde (not to mention the upcoming lunar eclipse), your best bet would be to keep your options open, even if it's solely for the time being. You can expect clarity upon the moon's shift into Libra on May 12, as it will simultaneously oppose Jupiter and Venus in the process. Don't jump to conclusions, keep an open mind, and stay grounded.

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