Wondering How to Reverse a Video on TikTok? Follow These Easy Steps

Kick your TikTok game up a notch when you reverse your videos on the app. This fun effect lets content creators experiment with their clips and try something new, making every video more interesting than the last. Where you're filming a makeup tutorial or want to show off your athletic abilities, using this effect will make every clip fun to watch. If you want to switch up your usual TikToks and post some in reverse, there's a super simple way to do that. Just follow these easy steps:

How to Reverse a Video in TikTok

  1. First, open the TikTok app and tap the plus sign in the middle of the screen.
  2. Then, film a video, and tap the "Upload" button to upload it.
  3. Tap the red check mark and hit "Next" to go to the next screen, then tap "Effects."
  4. Hit the button that say "Time" at the bottom right corner of the screen, and then tap "Reverse" to apply the effect to the clip.
  5. If you like the results, tap "Save," and post your new clip.

Now that your video is backwards, get ready to rack in the likes! This creative edit is ideal for those who are looking to put a spin on their clips and post new and original content. Feel free to use this effect the next time you want to make people do a double take. We'll see ya on TikTok!