Chrissy Teigen's Croissant French Onion Soup Recipe Is the Ultimate Comfort Food

Camila Barbeito

Looking for a comforting recipe for dinner this week? Something cozy, warm, and, naturally, with a helping of melted cheese on top? Then look no further than this incredible recipe by none other than Chrissy Teigen, comfort food queen: a croissant french onion soup. Placing oven-crisped croissants on top creates a twist on the old classic that may just be better than the original, and the addition of soy sauce to the onion, garlic, wine, and beef-broth soup gives the mixture a hint of umami that works perfectly. Once the soup has been made, tossed with cheese and crispy croissant pieces on top (and more cheese), and broiled, you're left with the most delicious of meals that you'll want to show off to your whole family, your friends, and maybe even for a romantic date night cooking at home. This soup is seriously that good.

Camila Barbeito
Camila Barbeito
Camila Barbeito
Camila Barbeito
Camila Barbeito
Camila Barbeito
Camila Barbeito
Camila Barbeito
Camila Barbeito
Camila Barbeito
Camila Barbeito
Camila Barbeito
Camila Barbeito
Camila Barbeito
Camila Barbeito
Camila Barbeito
Camila Barbeito

Chrissy Teigen’s French Onion Soup

Prep Time15 Minutes
Cook Time1 hour 30 minutes

Studio Sheppard


    • 3 tablespoons olive oil
    • 7 tablespoons butter
    • 10 cups thinly sliced onions, about 3 pounds
    • 5 thyme sprigs, tied into a bundle with kitchen twine
    • 8 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
    • 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
    • 1 ¼ cups dry red wine
    • 6 cups beef broth
    • 1 ½ tablespoons soy sauce
    • Kosher salt
    • 4 large croissants, cut into 1 ½-inch cubes
    • ¾ pound Gruyère or Swiss cheese, grated (about 3 cups)


    1. Heat the oil and seven tablespoons of butter in an at least eight-quart, heavy-bottom pot on high heat until melted.

    2. Add your thinly sliced onions and thyme bundle and cook. Stir often for about 15 minute,s until the onions are still light in color and begin to shrink.

    3. Reduce the heat to medium-low and add the thinly sliced garlic. Cook another 20 minutes, stirring often, until the onions are a deep golden color and tender. If you notice some onions are browning more than others, stir more frequently. You want all your onions to be an even golden brown.

    4. Next, add the two tablespoons of flour and stir until it coats all the onions for about three minutes, until they have a dull appearance.

    5. Add the wine. Increase the heat to medium and bring to a boil. Cook the onions for about five minutes until they are purple and almost all the wine has evaporated.

    6. Take out the thyme bundle and throw it away. Add your beef broth, soy sauce, and one teaspoon of salt. Bring to a boil over high heat then reduce heat to a gentle simmer. Continue to simmer until the soup has thickened and the onions are no longer purple, about 45 minutes. Season with salt to taste.

    7. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Spread out the croissant pieces on a baking sheet and bake for about nine minutes until golden. Remove from oven and crank up the broiler.

    8. Arrange your soup crocks on a sturdy rimmed baking sheet. Grate ¼ cup of Gruyère cheese on the bottom of each soup crock. Ladle soup over cheese and add your croissant.

    9. Top off with more grated cheese. Broil until cheese is bubbly — about three or four minutes.
