Why Gabrielle Union's Daughter Kaavia Is Basically Anna Wintour

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When you get a chance to talk to "Cheaper by the Dozen" star Gabrielle Union, you know the conversation is absolutely going to run the gamut. With years in the entertainment industry, this inspiring icon shared so much wisdom about blazing your own trail, building up those who motivate you (even when they might not reciprocate), and how lucky she feels when she hears how her work has meant so much to so many.

She balanced all that insight with pure hilarity, as she had us in stitches describing how she measures up to her cinematic counterpart, as well as the tangerine-based knowledge she picked up on set. Plus, is Kaavia James pretty much a fashion icon at just 3 years old?!

Do you have any reason not to watch the video above?

Exactly! Check it out, and don't miss "Cheaper by the Dozen," now streaming on Disney+!