17 Burning Questions We Have For Orange Is the New Black Season 5

Orange Is the New Black's fifth season will be here before you know it (sort of), and we have more than a few questions for it. Season four ends on a massive cliffhanger, with a riot about to break out and Daya wielding a weapon. Of course we're wondering how that story will wrap up, but there are a lot of other things going on in the prison that need resolution. While we're poring over all the season five details we have so far, let's review the questions we still have about season four.

Will Daya pull the trigger?

Will Daya pull the trigger?

Season four ends on a huge cliffhanger, with Daya pointing a gun at CO Humphrey during a riot among the Litchfield inmates. If she actually shoots him, it will no doubt have serious repercussions. However, since Humps is the worst person ever, it's not hard to see why people are clamoring for Daya to pull the trigger.

Will Taystee and Brook be OK?

Will Taystee and Brook be OK?

After Poussey's shocking death, her best friend Tasystee and girlfriend Brook are understandably devastated. They both have gut-wrenching reactions to losing her, and it's hard to imagine that they'll get over the tragedy quickly.

Will Bayley keep working at Litchfield?

Will Bayley keep working at Litchfield?

Following Poussey's death at CO Bayley's hands, Caputo suggests that he quit, believing that the job will break him. Caputo then defends him during a televised press conference about the incident, which angers the inmates. Should Bayley return, he certainly won't have it easy.

Is Alex safe?

Is Alex safe?

At the beginning of season four, Alex kills Aydin, a hitman sent by drug lord Kubra, her former employer. She, Lolly, and Frieda hide the body and make it appear as though he actually did kill Alex. One problem: his body is eventually found. If word gets to her old boss, will someone else come for Alex?

Will we see Lolly again?

Will we see Lolly again?

Lolly is sent to psych after her previously dismissed confession to killing Aydin ends up being more credible when his body is found. She is one of season four's pleasant surprises, bringing both comedic relief and a heartbreaking backstory, and not seeing her again would be such a crime. At least actress Lori Petty seems hopeful!

What's next for Aleida?

What's next for Aleida?

Season four sees Aleida get released much earlier than anticipated. We get a peek into her post-prison life, and although she has big aspirations — like opening a nail salon — it's all much easier said than done. With Daya still in a prison that's under fire, will she truly be staying away from Litchfield?

Is Suzanne OK?

Is Suzanne OK?

Suzanne is last seen at a medical facility after library bookshelves topple over her — an attempt to feel what being unable to breathe was like due to Poussey's death. Though she's awake, both her physical and mental health are causes for concern.

Will Piscatella get fired?

Will Piscatella get fired?

Toward the end of the season, several inmates plot to have Piscatella fired due to his cruel treatment. Though the attempt is unsuccessful, Caputo briefly dismisses him and says he knows why the captain of the guard was let go from his old position at a men's prison. With so many people against him, could his time at Litchfield be up?

When will Sister Ingalls get out of the SHU?

When will Sister Ingalls get out of the SHU?

In an attempt to take a photo of Sophia in the SHU to leak it outside of the prison, Sister Ingalls devises a plan to get sent there herself. Though Sophia eventually gets out, Sister Ingalls is still there. After spending so much time isolated from everyone, it'll be unfortunate if Sophia doesn't get more chances to interact with her unlikely friend soon.

Can Judy King save her image?

Can Judy King save her image?

Once a beloved celebrity chef, Judy King's image threatens to go downhill when she lands in Litchfield. While there, she manages to become a part of a few scandals, including the release of a racist puppet show she made in the '80s and a faux romantic relationship with Black Cindy. She ends up getting released early, but who knows what the new public perception of her will be once she's out? That is, if she makes it out at all.

Will Lorna still be married?

Will Lorna still be married?

Hopeless romantic Lorna spends season four focused on Vince, her new husband. Although she starts off continuously gushing about their marriage, things start to go sour when she becomes increasingly paranoid about Vince's life away from her. She eventually confesses that she recognizes that she's destroying her marriage but can't stop herself from doing so. Will she and Vince attempt to fix things? Now that Nicky's back from the maximum security prison, there's also a possibility that she and Lorna could rekindle their relationship instead.

Can Nicky overcome her addiction?

Can Nicky overcome her addiction?

In max, Nicky experiences two extremes: going to a support group for her drug addiction and throwing her progress away for more drugs. Back in minimum security, she gets her fix through theft and undercover trades until Red gets all the prison dealers to cut her off. Nicky has been struggling since her introduction in season one, so it would be rewarding to see her make an attempt at recovery that sticks.

Will Healy return to his job?

Will Healy return to his job?

Healy goes through some heavy stuff in season four, including contemplating suicide when he's unsure if he can continue performing his job. At the end of the season, he's checked himself into psychiatric care. Whether or not he'll be back working at Litchfield at all is unclear.

Will Stella get out of max?

Will Stella get out of max?

Before season four, many speculated about whether fan favorite Stella would make an appearance. She has a quick cameo in which she pops up in max with Nicky. Though Nicky gets out, Stella stays behind, and she hasn't shown up on screen since. Considering she's in max because Piper set her up in season three, is it possible that she'll head to minimum security again?

Are Piper and Alex going to hook up or break up?

Are Piper and Alex going to hook up or break up?

This is going to be a question every season, isn't it?

Can the inmates continue to stay united?

Can the inmates continue to stay united?

After a season full of inmate-on-inmate tension, particularly fueled by racial divides, the last couple of episodes see the women of Litchfield protesting the guards' recent mistreatment of them. It's unlikely that everyone will get along all the time, but seeing the inmates band together to stand on tables and riot through the halls was a thing of beauty.

Whose backstory will we see next?

Whose backstory will we see next?

With such a large cast, it's impressive how many characters' backstories the show has explored in just four seasons. However, there are still some characters whose pre-prison lives we don't know much about. One such example is Yoga Jones. We know about her crime, but we haven't learned anything about her life through flashbacks yet. There are also several newcomers to highlight, such as Abdullah and Hapakuka. And since season four ended with some focus on Litchfield's COs, it's possible that characters like Luschek and Piscatella could get some backstory as well.