Netflix's The Princess Switch Is Here, and It's About to Become Your New Guilty Pleasure

Every rom-com fan knows that one of the best parts about the holiday season is unapologetically watching all of the cheesy Christmas movies on TV. Thankfully, this year Netflix has really upped its game when it comes to original Christmas movies. While 2017 brought us A Christmas Prince, this year The Princess Switch is coming for its crown (pun intended).

The films stars Vanessa Hudgens as a baker (Stacy) and a soon-to-be princess (Margaret) who, you guessed it, switch places and pretend to be each other. While it starts out as fun and games, things take an unexpected turn when Margaret falls in love with Stacy's coworker and Stacy falls in love with Margaret's fiancé (just kidding, we totally saw this coming from a mile away). The movie may be cheesy and predictable, but we (along with the rest of the internet) can't get enough.