11 Realistic Ways Cersei Could Die by the End of Game of Thrones


The fate of Cersei Lannister has been in question since Game of Thrones offered a flashback to the queen's childhood in the season five premiere. The scene introduces us to a witch named Maggy the Frog who predicts that Cersei will be queen "for a time" but fall to someone "younger, more beautiful." Over the course of the series, many have taken this prophecy to refer to the tragic rise and fall of Margaery Tyrell. But if we take a close look at George R.R. Martin's fourth novel in the A Song of Ice and Fire series, we'll find that Maggy's prophecy contains an additional element: "When your tears have drowned you, the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you." Not only does this additional statement give us a mode of death but it also offers a hint toward several potential culprits once we understand that the term "valonqar" means "little brother" in High Valyrian — or "younger sibling" since the television series has indicated terms in this language are genderless.

In either case, this information may be the key to determining who will put an end to the queen's reign. While the obvious signs point to her younger brothers Tyrion and Jaime, the potential ambiguity in gender and the question of whether the statement specifically refers to Cersei's younger brother or anyone's younger sibling opens the door for a myriad of power players from Jon Snow to Arya in disguise to the baby that rests in her belly. So, let's take a moment to reflect on the 11 possible ways Cersei may meet her end.


Cersei Kills Herself Because of Tommen

Yes, Cersei's son Tommen dies at the end of season six, but YouTuber bridge4 has put forth an elaborate theory that Tommen's memory will cause the Queen's death. In bridge4's theory, Cersei survives the Great War as prisoner of the Starks and Targaryens only to take her own life once she finally admits to herself that her actions at the Sept of Baelor led to Tommen's demise.

Although the concept of Cersei's suicide doesn't exactly fall in line with Maggy's prophecy, bridge4's theory does lend a metaphorical nod to the witch's warning since Tommen is Cersei's youngest child. On the other hand, there are several Reddit theories that speak to the literal idea of Tommen wrapping his hands around his mother's pale white throat — though many of these involve a reanimated version of Tommen by either Qyburn or the Night King. We, however, prefer the poetic justice of this YouTube theory as it ties Cersei's demise into her overall story arc of a mother driven to madness.


Euron Greyjoy Kills Cersei

Euron Greyjoy is the younger brother of Balon Greyjoy, which makes him the perfect candidate for Maggy's valonqar prophecy. While Euron's lust for the Iron Throne may be enough reason for him to murder Cersei, his determination to get the Queen pregnant (yuck) could also lead to a Lannister demise. Remember, the witch's prediction highlights a future where Cersei only has three children. Her current pregnancy, whether we believe it's real or fabricated, could lead to her death either from childbirth or from her deceit on the matter. That is to say, if she's already pregnant, misleading Euron about the father could have dire consequences . . . just think back to how he murdered his brother in season six.


The Mountain Kills Cersei

Knowing Game of Thrones, the valonqar theory may not be the only element to play into Cersei's downfall. Just about everyone in Westeros would love to see the Queen's head on the chopping block, and that's what makes this next theory so compelling. Reddit user MahatmaGuru believes that Gregor Clegane, the Mountain, will turn on Cersei at a moment when she threatens his creator Qyburn. Though this prediction is tough to swallow, there's room for such a fallout between the pair since Cersei has isolated herself from everyone and appears to grow more paranoid and self-protective with every episode.


The Hound Kills Cersei

Of the two Clegane brothers, the valonqar prophecy may apply more fittingly to the Hound, aka Sandor Clegane, the younger brother to Gregor. The television series has long teased a showdown between the two men. So if such a fight unfolds with the Hound as victor, Cersei's death will certainly follow.


Ser Brienne of Tarth Kills Cersei

The "younger, more beautiful" aspect of Maggy's prediction for Cersei has always been directed toward traditionally comely candidates such as Margaery Tyrell, Sansa Stark, and Daenerys Targaryen, but Reddit user BaelBard suspects the prophecy refers to someone with a righteous moral code and an inner beauty that cannot be denied — Ser Brienne of Tarth. The newly knighted warrior once bore mocking about her appearance enduring names such as "the Maid of Tarth" and "Brienne the Beauty." However, BaelBard believes the faith Brienne has in Jaime as a redeemable human being will give Jaime the push he needs to finally stand up to his sister. Not to mention, Cersei still doesn't know Jaime gave the family sword, Oathkeeper, to Brienne. Who knows? The fight that goes down over that one piece of Valyrian steel could result in the Queen meeting her fate at the hands of a winsome woman.


Arya Stark Kills Cersei

The Arya Stark interpretation of the valonqar theory has existed since the young wolf earned her stripes as a faceless man. Basically, if Jaime dies in the Great War, the event would allow Arya to steal his face, travel south to King's Landing, and enter the royal chambers without raising suspicion. To Cersei, it would appear that her younger twin brother betrayed her just as the prophecy foretold, but the truth would be that Arya made good on her promise of retribution. The added bonus is that the Queen's top guard, the Mountain, also sits on Arya's list, so wearing Jaime's face into the Red Keep could result in double victory for the young Stark. Plus, Arya has already proven herself a worthy opponent by killing the series's other Big Bad, the Night King.


Cersei Dies During Childbirth

At the end of season seven, we learn Cersei is pregnant, which would seem to discredit Maggy's fortune, but a fourth child would be the littlest brother of all her children, leaving Cersei open to danger. Reddit user Bioreactivist believes death by childbirth is the key to Cersei's story arc: "It affirms that her hatred and fear of Tyrion has been entirely unfounded, and would be a poetic end for her character — to die in the same manner as her mother, for which she has always blamed her little brother. Lastly, it would fit in well with GoT's ever-present theme of vanity and futility, as all of the death, destruction, and hatred that she has committed out of fear of this prophecy will be proven to have been ultimately pointless."

The only thing that could make this theory more ominous is if the child turned out to be a dwarf like Tyrion Lannister.


Daenerys Targaryen Kills Cersei

On the face of Maggy's prophecy, Daenerys is the "younger, more beautiful" positioned by birthright to tear Cersei down and destroy the Mad Queen's family. While we would be remiss to leave her off the list, the chance the series moves forward with the most obvious choice seems slimmer with each passing episode.


Jon Snow Kills Cersei

If we're looking for a valonqar, look no further than Jon Snow, the younger half-sibling of Aegon and Rhaenys Targaryen. Reddit user dremling believes that since the version of the prophecy, as outlined in the books, is in High Valyrian — and Targaryens have Valyrian blood — Jon Snow stands out the prime candidate to put an end to Queen Cersei. Not a bad theory, especially when you consider that his love for Daenerys might push him to take such drastic action.


Jaime Lannister Kills Cersei

By virtue of his position as Cersei's younger brother and by his reputation as the Kingslayer, Jaime Lannister fits the bill as a potential valonqar. While killing the love of his life would make for a heart-wrenching ending, this would certainly fit the bittersweet ending promised by the show's executive producers.


Tyrion Lannister Kills Cersei

Tyrion plays the role of both Cersei's competitor as Hand to Queen Daenerys and her tormentor for the role he played in killing their father. Like Jaime, Tyrion's status as Cersei's little brother places him in line as a potential valonqar. What gives him the edge over Jaime in this matter, besides the lack of a romantic relationship with his sister, is that he has reason for retaliation since he has been marked for death by Cersei on many occasions.

Even though this most recent hit on his life is shared by his brother, we worry that the gilded crossbow the Mad Queen has chosen to exact her revenge could lead to her downfall should Bronn and Tyrion decide to rejoin forces. Game of Thrones loves a dual meanings, so it would be fitting for Tyrion to kill his sister with the same crossbow that killed their father.

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