School Homework Asks For 3 "Good Reasons" For Slavery — This 4th Grader's Response Is the Ultimate Takedown

Sometimes, there simply aren't two sides to every story, and that fact couldn't be more apparent than when a fourth-grade homework assignment asked students to write three "good reasons for slavery" alongside three bad reasons.

Trameka Brown-Berry, whose 9-year-old son received the worksheet on Monday at Our Redeemer Lutheran School in Wisconsin, posted a photo of it to Facebook, asking, "Does anyone else find my 4th grader's homework offensive?"

According to Fox 6 News, the private school's principal sent a letter of apology to parents and said the teacher didn't properly describe the task, which was apparently meant to spark debate, to students:

"We understand that, as presented, the words used showed a lack of sensitivity and were offensive," Van Dellen wrote. "The purpose of the assignment was not, in any way, to have students argue that ANY slavery is acceptable ― a concept that goes against our core values and beliefs about the equality and worth of people of all races."

Like Trameka's son Jerome, however, there's just no room for debate about the pros and cons of slavery. Jerome, who wrote on the assignment that he is "proud to be black," penned a poignant response alongside the three blank bullet points: "I feel there is no good reason for slavery, that's why I did not write."