Mom Reminds Parents to Talk to Their Partners About Things Other Than Kids

After welcoming kids, long gone are the nights of going out with your partner or friends on a whim and deciding on fun things to do last minute, and in come the requests to wake up with the baby in the middle of the night or change a diaper. Morgan Ramsey is fully aware of this fact as she's in the parenting trenches with her partner and two kids, but the mom is looking to spread the message that all couples should seek to "find the calm in the chaos" to get back little pieces of who they used to be before they became parents.

On Facebook, alongside a hilarious and awesome photo of her family featuring her and her partner sitting calmly in the background of quite the chaotic scene, the Virginia mom and photographer shares how to get back to your relationship when you wake up and think, "What am I doing? Why doesn't this feel right?"

. . . Suddenly you're disconnected from the easy going, free loving adventure your life once was. You're exhausted, you're disheartened by the lack of attention you show each other. Most of the time, the children come first but don't forget where it all began. The need for constant attention is real, if you don't believe me, ask my children. Don't forget that you are human too and the feeling of being forgotten is also real.

Take some time out of your day to have a conversation about anything besides the kids, work or money. Ask your partner how their day has been, and listen to what they have to say. Do not minimize the burden of stress each of you carry on a daily basis, don't compare pain. Always, talk about the first night you met. Remember that spark that lit your romance on fire.

Morgan continues, urging parents to communicate with their partners, but rather than reinvent the wheel, just keep things easy. "A simple, 'I love it when your hair is all messy' comment can brighten a day quicker than the kids can destroy a room. A quick kiss on the forehead or tight hug around the waist while you cook dinner to let them know you appreciate them," she says. "Sometimes when you want to cry, laugh instead. Embrace the glorious mess that you are."