1 Thing to Know About the Live-Action Aladdin Reboot Before Taking Your Young Kids to It

The live-action reboot of Aladdin is finally out, and it's completely worth taking your kids to for so many reasons. The movie is rated PG, and aside from the action being a little more intense because it isn't animated, there's not much for parents to know before seeing Aladdin with their kids when it comes to the content of the film. However, there is one thing to be aware of: its runtime of two hours and eight minutes.

If you're going to see Aladdin with your toddlers or younger kiddos, do note that it's a long one for kids to sit through, and even if they're totally engrossed in the plot, there's a good chance that they'll need a bathroom break at some point, especially after you've hit the hour-and-a-half mark.

If you know your kids will need a bathroom run, a good time to go is during Princess Jasmine's new song, "Speechless," which comes after Jafar has made his first Genie wish. Don't get me wrong: I love that they tried to add a bit of female empowerment into this version of the film (you go, Jas!), but the song really just doesn't do it for me — it's a little pop-esque compared to everything else, and in my opinion, just doesn't fit well. Another good time is while everyone is dancing at the party thrown for Aladdin when he rolls up to the palace as Prince Ali. It's an entertaining scene for sure, but there isn't much to miss plotwise.