4 Reasons You Need to Hire a Sitter This Weekend to Go See Bad Moms

When the first trailer for Bad Moms was released earlier this year, we cried hysterical tears of relatable joy as the actresses portraying said "bad moms" spoke in strings of bleeped-out expletives. Though our excitement for the film only grew as new trailers were released, we were a bit worried that we were being shown all of the good parts in the previews — as happens with so many other comedies — and that Bad Moms would actually end up being a tame representation of the average mom.

Now that we've seen the movie, we can say with 100 percent certainty that this R-rated film is what every single mom who's tired of trying to act "perfect" needs in her life. With scene after scene of hilarious physical comedy, enough cursing to fill your family's swear jar in under an hour, and some very relatable mom moments, Bad Moms is about to become every mama's new favorite flick.

So call a sitter and round up your fellow bad moms to go laugh overpriced fountain soda through your nose while Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell, and Kathryn Hahn totally own it on the big screen. And if you're not convinced yet (seriously?), read through for four more reasons you need this movie in your life.

It sends a message that there's no such thing as the "perfect" mom.
Everett Collection

It sends a message that there's no such thing as the "perfect" mom.

Modern moms face an enormous amount of pressure to be perfect all the time. In the movie, Christina Applegate is poised as one of these "perfect" moms, but even she has her issues. The film's ultimate message is that we're all "bad moms" sometimes, but if we band together, embrace the chaos, and stop judging each other, parenting would be a hell of a lot easier.

It encourages moms to spend some time apart from their kids every once in a while.
Everett Collection

It encourages moms to spend some time apart from their kids every once in a while.

To nonmothers, it would seem like spending time away from the kids would be a welcome change of pace. Although that's partially true, it's hard not to feel guilty being away from the little boogers, especially when you're off having a good time without them. However, the film stresses the importance of a moms' night out every once in a while and encourages all mothers to ease up on the stress a bit and let loose (with a hint of reckless abandon, perhaps?).

The actresses in the film are actual moms IRL who you can totally relate to.
Everett Collection

The actresses in the film are actual moms IRL who you can totally relate to.

It may seem like celebrities have it easier and more glamorous than all of the rest of us, but that's just not always true. All of the main actresses in this movie are real moms who were able to play on actual experiences with their kids as well as emotions they have as mothers to bring their hilarious characters to life. Rest assured, you can watch knowing that though a lot of the situations the moms get themselves into should be left in the fictional world, their lives are still totally relatable (that said, we don't advise that you trash your local grocery store by shaking up vodka, Kahlúa, and milk around the aisles, but we most certainly can't stop you).

You won't laugh harder at any other movie this year (or ever, honestly).
Everett Collection

You won't laugh harder at any other movie this year (or ever, honestly).

Bad Moms is brought to you by the guys who gave the world the Hangover trilogy. Combine their insane humor with a bunch of badass female actresses cursing like sailors — and a ridiculous amount of physical comedy — and you're going to be laughing your tush off through the whole thing. (Editor's note: I honestly missed some of the lines after the funniest bits because every person in the theater was laughing out loud!)