When I'm Feeling Super Anxious, These Are the 6 Products I Reach For

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Perhaps the worst part about having anxiety is you never know when it will hit. My day could be going along just fine, and out of nowhere I get that dreaded, all-encompassing feeling: my mind races with intrusive thoughts, my heart beats faster, my stomach churns, and I'm constantly worried about simultaneously nothing and everything. Sometimes my anxiety is triggered (like if I drink too much the night before or stress from work), but typically there's no reason I can pinpoint. This is why I've created an antianxiety toolkit of sorts filled with products I can reach for when anxiety suddenly hits and I feel like I'm drowning.

Since I was diagnosed with bipolar II a few years ago, anxiety is a big symptom that has seemingly gotten worse as I've gotten older. And while I'm on a cocktail of mood stabilizers, my psychiatrist doesn't prescribe benzodiazepines (Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan), so I don't take them. Fortunately, with the help of lifestyle modifications and these natural remedies, I can keep my anxiety under control. However, these products aren't a substitute for medical intervention. If you feel like your anxiety is severe enough to interfere with your daily life and interrupt your quality of life, be sure to seek help from a medical professional such as a psychiatrist.

If you are feeling anxious or depressed and need assistance finding help or resources, call the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (1-240-485-1001) or the National Alliance on Mental Illness (1-800-950-6264).

Animal Designs Adult Coloring Book

My sister bought me an adult coloring book for Christmas, and I love having a task that's both mindless — and purposefully mindful — to help distract whatever anxious thoughts are racing through my brain. When I was done filling up those pages, I ordered this Animal Designs Adult Coloring Book ($5) from Amazon. Whenever I need something to distract me, I whip out my colored pencils and get to work.

Edens Garden Lavender Essential Oil

I don't necessarily believe in the miraculous magical healing and medicinal properties of essential oils, but I do like adding them to my daily routine. I put a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil in my shower in the morning to wake me up, diffuse citrus during the day to make my apartment smell good, and add some Edens Garden Lavender Essential Oil ($10) at night to make my wind-down routine even easier. I either put a few drops in my diffuser or pour a few drops on a cotton ball and swipe my pillow with it. It helps me settle down and get ready for a restful sleep.

ZonLi 15-Pound Weighted Blanket

When I heard all the hype about weighted blankets, I was a little skeptical. After all, how can a heavy blanket actually impact your mood? But once I started using the ZonLi 15-Pound Weighted Blanket ($66), I could see why. I got the smaller 48x72-inch blanket, so I only use it when I'm relaxing on the couch, but it feels like a soothing full-body hug. When I feel anxiety coming on, I turn on a funny show on Netflix (lately that's been Schitt's Creek) and wrap myself in my weighted blanket until my mind stops racing.

Buddha Teas CBD Chamomile Blend

It's not an exaggeration to say Buddha Teas CBD Chamomile Blend ($20) has been a game changer for me. I first tried it when I was feeling super anxious on a flight once, and it helped calm me down. Ever since then, it's been a staple in my anxiety-fighting efforts. Chamomile on its own is calming and soothing enough, but the five milligrams of CBD added to each bag is just enough to calm me down. I love having a mug of this tea at night before bed.

Honey Belle Jade Facial Roller

Facial rollers are supposed to do all kinds of beautifying magic to your face: reduce wrinkles and puffiness, help with lymphatic drainage, and boost collagen. I'm not sure about all that, but I do find my Honey Belle Jade Facial Roller ($28) to be calming. In the mornings, I roll it all over my face, concentrating on my cheeks and under my eyes. The repetitive motion is soothing for me, so I find myself reaching for it even if I'm not looking to depuff my under-eye bags.

Charlotte's Web Original Formula CBD Oil

The holy grail of my antianxiety arsenal is Charlotte's Web Original Formula CBD Oil ($150-$275). When I'm feeling incredibly anxious, I opt for a dropper-full of CW's Original Formula, which is the brand's most potent and offers about 43 milligrams of CBD per serving. I typically save the full-dropper dosage for when I need it, but I've started taking half a dose every day and have noticed a major difference in the onset and severity of my anxiety symptoms.

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