The Ultimate Summer Starter Pack For Living Your Best Life

The Summer version of me truly lives the best life possible. Whereas Winter me is content to binge-watch far too many shows and wait for the snow storms to blow over, in the Summer, I live outside. Fireflies, farmer's markets, and glowing sunshine help create that warm feeling that only Summer can provide. To truly get ready for such an amazing time of year, these are the things you'll need to ensure that this Summer is practically magical.

The Perfect Swimsuit

Is there anything more indicative of summertime fun than running through the sprinklers? Whether you're hanging in your backyard, resting your feet in a kiddie pool, or playing volleyball at the beach, you're going to need a suit. Pretty, functional, and one that leaves you feeling like your spectacular self is just the beginning when picking out a stunning swimsuit. Take time to find the right piece, or multiple suits, that allow you to move freely and is also comfortable when you just want to lie down and read your latest book.

A Grease-Free Sunblock That Can Withstand Anything

No Summer starter pack is complete without an amazing sunblock. I spend a lot of my Summer outside going on runs and taking my son to various splash-pads throughout the city. I don't have time to worry whether or not my sunblock is staying on, and I certainly don't want to feel greasy during my long day (ew)! Skin protection is so important to ward off lasting damage and to prevent nasty sunburns, so make sure to always have this on you.

Sandals That Can Go Anywhere

If you live somewhere with humidity, the last thing you want to force on your feet is constricting heels or flats. Now is the time to show off that spectacular pedicure by finding a pair of sandals that can go anywhere. From the beach to a date night, sandals can help you feel comfortable and cool during long Summer days.

The Perfect Playlist For a Sunny Day

One of life's little joys is having a perfect playlist that makes you feel like you're in your own movie. When I commute to work or run errands, my mood is made instantly better by having music that perfectly echoes a beautiful and sunny day. It puts a bounce in my step and makes running out for extra diapers seem like a happy experience.

An Adorable Water Bottle to Keep Hydrated All Day Long

Say it with me: drink more water. That refreshing, life-sustaining force is important any time of the year, but when temperatures begin to rise, it's the only thing that matters. It keeps your skin clear, helps you focus, and protects you against the dangerous effects of dehydration in the Summer heat. Finding a cute water bottle can encourage you to drink more water because you'll be more likely to take it with you.

A Bucket List of Things You Want to Do

I live in Chicago, and this Summer I'm finally going to take the water taxi to Chinatown, which is something I've been wanting to do ever since I moved here five years ago. No matter where you live, have a list of must-hit items that excite you this Summer. It can be be breathtaking how quickly Summer moves by, and if you don't have a prepared list of activities, you may miss out on some great adventures.

A Low-Maintenance Morning Routine

As the proud owner of curly hair, Summer is definitely the time when I put my heating tools away. Summer storms, high humidity, and blustery winds make spending hours getting ready feel kind of pointless. Summer is the time for a classic topknot and skipping foundation for a lightweight BB cream.

A Water Pistol

After a long, drab Winter, Summer should be fun. This is not the season to take life too seriously, so I like to recommend people have a fun and full squirt gun ready to go, just in case your partner needs to cool off.