How to Lose Your Extra Junk in the Trunk


Spot-reducing fat doesn't work, but these tips will help you stop getting caught up in the jiggle and start feeling more confident in your skinny jeans and leggings all Fall long.

Cut Out Salt and Sugar
POPSUGAR Photography | Maria Del Rio

Cut Out Salt and Sugar

According to celebrity trainers Chris and Heidi Powell, there's a simple way to change the body instantly. If you're consuming too much salt and sugar, you're going to retain a ton of extra water. Here is the pair's concrete rule to banish bloat quickly: get sodium intake down to 1,500 milligrams per day and cut sugar down to 20 grams. Your body will naturally shed water weight. Once you make this shift in your diet, Chris says you'll see an "immediate change."

Drink Plenty of Water
POPSUGAR Photography | Kat Borchart

Drink Plenty of Water

Beyond keeping you feeling your best and headache-free, staying hydrated can suppress your appetite, keep bloat at bay, keep your skin looking gorgeous, and even boost your metabolism. Double the detoxifying power of your glass with these even-better water additions like lemon and ginger.

Mix Up Your Cardio
POPSUGAR Photography | Ericka McConnell

Mix Up Your Cardio

If you're serious about getting rid of your body's all-over fat, you need to amp up your cardio game. According to the USDA, you should perform 60-minute sessions five times a week to really notice a difference. And instead of a steadily paced workout, take things up a notch with interval training (workouts that alternate between periods of pushing your body and recovery) since it offers the afterburn effect; once you complete a workout, your body will burn more calories — an extra 200 calories throughout the day — than you would without intervals. Do your booty one better, and move through this tush-toning interval workout designed to lift and sculpt your backside.

Change Your Diet
POPSUGAR Photography | Lizzie Fuhr

Change Your Diet

You can do a ton of cardio and strength training, but unless you really revamp your diet, you won't see results. Cut back on processed foods, follow these clean-eating rules, and when you're feeling full, remember this piece of tough love from celebrity trainer Anna Kaiser: "put down the fork."

To optimize your diet's fat-burning potential, look to these metabolism-boosting recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even snack time. All of these dishes include ingredients that have been proven to help fight fat.

Tone It Up

Tone It Up

There's no such thing as spot-reducing fat, but you can add moves to your routine that will strengthen and tone up your tush. Here are some of our favorite backside-focused workouts to try ASAP:

Get to Bed
POPSUGAR Photography | Lisette Mejia

Get to Bed

Sleep resets your body, keeps your immune system strong, and keeps your hormones in balance so nothing gets in the way of your goals. Aim for at least seven hours of sleep every night for optimal energy and fat-burning potential.

Get Real About Cellulite
POPSUGAR Photography | Ericka McConnell

Get Real About Cellulite

If you feel like you're the only one, don't fret: 80 to 90 percent of all women have cellulite — and plenty of those women deal with cellulite around their booty. Cellulite can be affected by excess fat, but even if you tighten up your problem zone, nothing will make cellulite completely disappear. However, these tips can help you see a difference!