Sugar-Free CBD Gum Exists, and It's Basically a Chewable Chill Pill

There are few things we do more regularly than chew gum, and there are few things we need to do more regularly than just relax. Well, the times are changing, because sugar-free CBD chewing gum is here to help anyone overcome the struggle that we call life.

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a non-psychoactive component of cannabis. Proponents of CBD tout it as an all-natural way to reduce anxiety with zero side effects. It's taken over our skincare, our chocolate, and even our vitamin gummies, but the latest product makes anxiety relief as easy as . . . chewing a piece of gum.

If you're shaking your head at the thought of chewing gum that might leave you lifeless, let's pause for a second. The CBD found in this gum is derived from the hemp plant, which unlike marijuana, contains very little to no THC. CBD will not make you feel "high," however, what it can do is pretty amazing. In some users, CBD has been shown to calm nerves while flying, alleviate pain, get a deeper night's sleep, and so much more. It's the legal, non-prescription "chill pill" we've needed all our lives.

Earthshine Organics has recently released eight delicious flavors of sugar-free CBD chewing gum, to keep the anxiety to a minimum at any time of day. The gum is available with 75 mg, 150 mg, or 300 mg of CBD and comes in delicious flavors like Winter Breeze and Raspberry Sorbet. We recommend starting with a smaller dose if you've never tried CBD, and then going up from there.

Read on to shop the CBD gum and say goodbye to anxiety.

Any cannabis products referenced above are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The writer is not a medical doctor, and their experience is based on personal use, the results of which may not be typical or intended. The legality of cannabis products varies by state, and readers are encouraged to check their local laws before purchasing and using cannabis products. Nothing in this article should be construed as advice regarding the legal status of cannabis products. Any views expressed in this article by a third-party sponsor are those of such sponsor, and do not necessarily represent the views of POPSUGAR.