These Healthy Resolutions Will Make You Feel Great (and Might Even Help You Lose Weight)

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It seems like "lose weight" tops people's New Year's resolutions list every year. And while that's a fine goal to have — and losing weight can have a positive impact on your life — it's certainly not the only marker of overall health. You can adopt healthier habits in the new year without focusing on the scale.

These 13 healthy resolution ideas will benefit not only your body but also your mind and well-being. Sure, they may lead to weight loss if you stick with them, but that's not really the point. Embrace a healthier you in the new year with these ideas and actually stick to them this time.


Walk More

If you work in a desk job or lead an otherwise sedentary life, one way to get moving is to focus on taking more steps daily. You don't need to abandon your car and walk everywhere, but there are some easy ways to incorporate more walking into your life. Aim for 6,000 to 10,000 steps a day: park further away from your destination, get up a little earlier before work and walk for 20 minutes, and take a few minutes throughout the day to walk around your office.

If it's too cold to lace up your walking shoes in the Winter, check out this walking interval workout that can be done on the treadmill.


Get More Sleep

Getting six to eight hours of sleep a night can make you more productive at work, help reduce stress, help you lose weight, and even help you live longer — all good reasons to clock more zzz's!

If you're not getting enough sleep, try going to bed earlier and using these tricks to fall asleep, such as turning off your gadgets, stretching, reading a book, turning down the heat, and playing soothing sounds. Having trouble falling asleep right away? Try this breathing technique.

And if you're quality of sleep is suffering, check out this definitive guide, including waking up at the same time every day, eating sleep-inducing foods, and not drinking alcohol before bed.


Wake Up Earlier

Whether you want to hit the gym before work or quit hitting snooze so much you have to rush to get out the door in the morning, there's no denying that getting up before the sun rises has its health (and stress-relief) benefits.

If you're not a morning person, try these 17 morning hacks, including using an app, setting an alarm clock away from your bed, and giving yourself a reward for getting up, such as a tasty breakfast (or gourmet cup of coffee), or an hour of shopping later — but only if you wake up early.

Even getting up just one hour earlier each day can make a difference. Try going to bed earlier and waking up earlier. Once you make it a habit for a few days to a couple of weeks in a row, your body will get used to this new sleep cycle. Here's what happened when one of our editors got up an hour early every day.


Drink More Water

Do you struggle to down the recommended eight glasses of water a day? Do you find no problem chugging coffee or sipping on wine, yet the thought of drinking plain old H2O seems daunting? There's no denying that drinking more water is one of the easiest things you can do for your health. Being properly hydrated can make you feel fuller, help your skin, aid in digestion, and give you more energy.

If that's not enough to convince you, here are 10 ways to make drinking water part of your daily routine: use an app, upgrade your water bottle, infuse with fruit and herbs, and more.


Eat More Vegetables

Vegetables, especially leafy greens, are chock-full of essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber, not to mention they fill you up for minimal calories. If you're struggling to get in your five servings a day, here are 10 creative ways to eat more veggies. Some ideas include "sneaking" them into recipes, having one salad each day, and getting creative with snacks.

Need some recipe inspo? Here's how to roast seasonal veggies to perfection.


Cut Back on Sugar

Simple truth: sugar isn't great for your body. Weight gain aside, sugar can increase your risk of heart disease, make you break out, age your skin, and can negatively impact your mood — all good reasons to cut back on the sweet stuff.

If you're a sugar fiend and can't help yourself, here are 17 simple ways to break a sugar addiction. Some tips: eat protein in the morning, opt for fruit over processed sugar, keep a food journal, and cut back slowly.



Incorporating a meditation practice into your life may seem like hippie-dippie BS, but being more mindful, especially in the morning, can reduce stress and set your intentions for the day.

Start with just a couple minutes each day, and keep it simple: have a glass of tea, clear your mind, focus on your breath, and set an intention for the day. If your mind starts to wander, hone in on your breath again.

Need some help? Check out these seven mindfulness meditation apps.


Meal Prep

Sure, you've seen all the fancy meal prep photos on Instagram and pinned all the helpful ideas on Pinterest. But actually meal prepping for a week ahead can ensure you are eating healthier meals, sticking to portion sizes, and even help you save money.

If you're a total newbie to meal prepping, make sure you follow these 10 commandments, such as planning ahead, making the time, being realistic, and including variety. Stumped on where to begin? Try any of these 30 recipes to get you started.


Bring Your Lunch

If meal prepping is too daunting, at least try and bring your lunch to work every day. Not only will this save you some serious cash each week, but you will also be in control of what exactly you're eating and the portions.

Try making an extra portion at dinner the night before so you can take in leftovers the next day or making some salads ahead of time. If you're sick of all your go-to recipes, check out these 40 recipes for lunches to take to work.


Use Your Gym Membership

If you signed up for a gym months (or years) ago and haven't been going, you are essentially throwing your money away. Take advantage of that membership by making going to the gym a habit.

Find a time that realistically works for you: if you find yourself constantly staying late at work or filled with other evening obligations, then going in the morning is probably your best bet (and these tips for waking up earlier can help here, too). If you just can't force yourself to wake up before dawn, then plan on bringing a change of clothes to the office and going right after work.

If it's a matter of motivation, try these 10 tricks to get motivated to work out, such as making a date with a friend, saving your favorite shows to watch on your iPad while hitting the cardio machines, rewarding yourself afterward (like with your favorite protein smoothie or a few minutes in the steam room), or throwing on your favorite fitness gear.

And here are some ways to be proactive: set mini goals, create a fun playlist, and track your progress so you stick with it.


Cut Back on Alcohol

With happy hours, boozy brunches, and nice dinners out, alcohol is seemingly everywhere. If your postwork glass of wine turns into three more often than you realize, it could be time to cut back on the booze. Not only will it help you slim down, but it will give you more energy, help you sleep better, and even improve your skin.

Here are five helpful tips for cutting back, including adding sober events to your calendar, surrounding yourself with supportive people, and ordering mocktails. You could try going a whole month without booze to see how that makes you feel; this is what happened when one of our editors did just that.


Practice Self-Care

Self-care has become a mainstream term the past few years, but there are some real health benefits to it. Taking some time to yourself, whether that's with a bubble bath, a good book, or just a walk around the block can help you de-stress and give you more energy to take on all your responsibilities.

If you need some ideas, check out these nine essential self-care practices or even these 38 simple ideas to get started. Some things to try: spend time outside, make time for a lunch break, and spend time with your favorite people, avoiding triggers.

To make it a habit this year, try our self-care challenge for the month.


Take Your Vitamins

Sure, taking a multivitamin might not magically transform your health, but if you're not eating enough produce or your doctor found you were deficient in something, it's important to add a vitamin to your health regimen.

To make sure you take them every day, keep them by your toothbrush so you take them first thing in the morning when you brush your teeth. Or leave a bottle on your desk so you can reach for it any time during the day. To find out which vitamins you should take, talk to your doctor. Once you're ready to shop, here are some of the bestselling vitamins on Amazon.

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