No Weights? Check Out This Trainer's Arm Workout That Uses (Yes!) 1 Booty Band

Alexia Clark
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Booty bands are great for . . . well . . . your booty. Here are six trainer-approved banded glute exercises to prove it. NASM-certified personal trainer Alexia Clark told POPSUGAR that these bands are quintessential equipment to have for home workouts because they're easy to store and even easier to transport anywhere. They're also effective. "I tell people that some of the hardest sets or burnouts and workouts I've done have been using bands," she said.

Booty bands are also a great alternative to dumbbells for working your arms at home, Alexia noted. While booty bands are by no means dumbbells, the resistance will still add intensity to each rep. "There are different ways you can put the bands around your arms to work a fly or shoulder press," she explained. Alexia suggests using a light-resistance band for this — since you want to be able to, for example, pull the band all the way up to your chest in a bicep curl — and she recommends a band made of rubber as opposed to a fabric one.

Alexia Clark's At-Home Booty Band Arm Workout

Make sure to warm up with some of these moves first. Alexia says this workout should take you between 20 and 30 minutes to complete. Do three rounds of circuit one before doing three rounds of circuit two. Rest for 15 to 30 seconds between each exercise and take a one- to two-minute break between each round. Or if you want a challenge, take minimal rest between rounds.

Circuit 1 (Rounds: 3)

  1. Single-arm bent-over row: 12 to 15 reps (left side)
  2. Single-arm curl: 12 reps (left side)
  3. Single-arm bent-over row: 12 to 15 reps (right side)
  4. Single-arm curl: 12 reps (right side)
  5. Upright row: 12 to 15 reps
  6. 90-degree raises: 15 reps

Circuit 2 (Rounds: 3)

  1. Superwoman raises: 40 seconds
  2. Crawl out push-up: eight to 10 reps
  3. Lateral bear crawl: 40 seconds

Don't forget to cool down afterward! Ahead, check out how to do each exercise, plus the band that Alexia used for the workout (included in her full set of Alexia Clark resistance bands). We also found other options for you on Amazon.

Alexia Clark

Single-Arm Bent-Over Row

  • Place the booty band around the arch of your right foot and grab the other end with your right hand.
  • Lean forward and place your other hand on something stable for support. With your right elbow close to your side, pull the band up toward your chest, keeping tension on the band as you do. Make sure your elbow is pointed upward.
  • Release the tension and lower the band down toward the ground until your arm is extended. This counts as one rep.
  • Alexia's workout has you do 12 to 15 reps on each side.
Alexia Clark

Single-Arm Curl

  • Find a sturdy seat close to the floor. Place the booty band around the arch of your right foot, grab the other end with your left hand, and rest your elbow on your left knee.
  • Curl the band up toward your chest, keeping tension on the band as you do. Release the tension and lower the band down toward the ground until your arm is almost fully extended. This counts as one rep.
  • Alexia's workout has you do 12 reps on each side.
Alexia Clark

Upright Row

  • Sit on a sturdy seat, leaning slightly forward. Place the booty band around your feet a few inches apart and hold the other end with both hands. The band should be in the shape of a triangle.
  • With your elbows out to each side, pull the band up to your chest and slowly lower back down to the starting position. This counts as one rep
  • Alexia's workout has you do 12 to 15 reps.
Alexia Clark

90-Degree Raises

  • Kneel with both knees on the ground. Place both hands through the booty band — you should be able to pull them apart to create tension, and the band should be around your forearms, not your wrists. To start, bend your arms at the elbows and lower them down to your sides.
  • Creating tension through the band and keeping your arms bent at 90-degree angles, raise both arms up toward your shoulders with your elbows out.
  • Lower back down, keeping the 90-degree angle. This counts as one rep
  • Alexia's workout has you do 15 reps.
Alexia Clark

Superwoman Raises

  • Lie face down on your stomach with your arms and legs extended. Keep your neck in a neutral position. Place both arms through the booty band. It should be around your forearms slightly above your elbows.
  • Pulling your arms slighting apart, keeping tension through the band, as you simultaneously lift your arms and legs up toward the ceiling. Your back should arch a bit and your arms and legs should lift several inches off the floor.
  • Hold for two to five seconds and lower back down to complete one rep.
  • Alexia's workout has you do this for 40 seconds.
Alexia Clark

Crawl Out Push-Ups

  • Start on the floor with your arms straight and knees bent underneath your hips but hovering off the ground. The booty band should be around your forearms and your hands should be wide enough apart that you create tension with the band.
  • Keeping your core tight and tension through the band, walk your hands out one at a time until you're in a push-up position with your legs out straight behind you. Do one push-up.
  • Walk your hands back toward your knees in that starting position. This counts as one rep.
  • Alexia's workout has you do eight to 10 reps.
Alexia Clark

Lateral Bear Crawl

  • Start on all fours with your knees hovering off the ground. The booty band should be around your forearms, and your hands should be wide enough apart that you create tension with the band.
  • Keeping this position, walk your hands and feet to the left and back to center; then to the right and back to center.
  • Alexia's workout has you do this for 40 seconds.

Alexia Used the Light Pink Mini (or Booty) Band For These Exercises

You can get the same light pink light-resistance booty band she used for the workout in this Alexia Clark Resistance Bands and Mini Bands - Full Set ($45). Ahead, check out more sets that include light-resistance booty bands.

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