Meet Russian Figure Skater Evgenia Medvedeva, Who's Making Waves in Pyeongchang

The 2018 Winter Olympics are underway in Pyeongchang, South Korea, and (thanks to some colorful commentary) the figure skating competition is heating up the ice. One of the most important skaters to watch this year is 18-year-old Evgenia Medvedeva, the powerhouse from Russia who took home the silver medal in the ladies' competition. Read on for seven fun facts about this talented athlete.

She's the First Woman to Win Back-to-Back World Championships Since Michelle Kwan

The two-time World and European Champion made history when she won back-to-back titles, a feat last accomplished by Michelle Kwan in 2001.

She Once Considered Being an Actress

She loves acting and once considered pursuing a career as an actress, but these days, her next steps will be coaching and choreography. But you can catch her acting skills on display in her figure skating routines. She is famous for incorporating mimicry and pantomiming into her performances.

She's Afraid of Butterflies

The Olympian isn't afraid of going for the gold, but butterflies are another story! The skater confessed a phobia of the winged creatures to Sputnik News.

Три денёчка и домой🏡 #Novogorsk

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She Has a Signature Move

Evgenia is famous for jumping while raising one hand over her head, a technique referred to as the "Tano" variation. This is a feat of athleticism, since most figure skaters keep their arms close to their bodies while they jump. Definitely expect to see this move on display at the Olympics this year.

She's Obsessed With Sailor Moon

The figure skater loves anime and Sailor Moon in particular, and she's known for incorporating that fandom into her performances. She even performed in a figure skating competition in 2016 in a Sailor Moon costume.

She Loves K-Pop

We're also obsessed with the musical trend that originated in South Korea, and Evgenia's personal favorite band is Exo, she told IceNetwork. We're sure the genre is a favorite of her workout playlists (as well as ours)!

She Learns a New Japanese Word Every Day

We already discussed Evgenia's love of anime (and Sailor Moon), but her admiration for Japanese culture doesn't end there. The skater loves Japanese food (eating it and cooking it) and tries to learn one or two new Japanese words every day. With any luck, one day she'll be fluent! If her success in figure skating is any indicator, we're sure of it.

To learn more about Evgenia, tune in to the live coverage in Pyeongchang on NBC.

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