Too Much Thanksgiving Turkey? Here's How to Freeze Your Leftovers

Turkey is arguably the star of the show at Thanksgiving, but no matter how many times you go back for seconds, there's probably still going to be some leftovers. It can be a hassle having to buy a fifteen pound bird just to eat a quarter of it! Leftovers are great and all, but when you're having turkey sandwiches into December, it can get a little old. The good news? You can freeze turkey!

While turkey can be frozen after your Thanksgiving feast, there are a few rules to follow. Remember that if something was already frozen once after cooking, it's not advised to do it again. Also, try to pack the leftovers in the smallest possible airtight container to avoid freezer burn. It might also be a good idea to label the bags to divide up the bones and dark and light meat so you can freeze each separately. Fortunately, roasted turkey freezes really well and can stay frozen for up to three months!

It's recommended that you take apart the turkey right after dinner to freeze. That way you'll have more space in your fridge and can just do the turkey related dishes in one go. Pro tip: once it's all packed away, use the bones and turn it into stock for some delicious turkey noodle soup. Happy freezing!